Arghhhhh I NEED sleep!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Well Rudy has always been a pretty good sleeper, never right through the night but only waking once for a feed. But the past few nights have been a nightmare. Last night he was up every hour and wouldn't settle for a good 20mins most times. He wasn't hungry and played with my boob a bit and then went back to crying, I even resorted to a bottle to see if that would work but he didn't want that either.

This coincides with him getting fretfull before bed time too, but he's his usual happy self at most other times. Any ideas what this could be?

Alex xxx
we've had this too Logan had been sleeping through the night from 11 weeks and then for the last week its up twice a night and fussing at bed time (gone from straight down, to taking an hour), i thought it might be teething but we haven't really had any other symptoms so not sure.

Hopefully its a stage as i want him sleeping through by new years eve.

could he be teething? Or... he is a big baby so is he getting enough feed?

Hope he settles soon for you :hug:
Thanks girls.

Sandi- I hope Logan is sleeping thrugh again for you soon, it's hard going from a good sleeper to bad one. I feel like I'm back in th first few eeks again.

Jennifer- I think it might be teething, he eats his hand constantly, dribbles, has flushed red cheeks and I can see a little tooth under his gums. I hope it's not like this for all his teeth. MIL suggested weaning him early but I know he's not ready for food yet as he's showing no signs he's ready for solids.

sounds just like teething hon.

connor's been a nightmare for the last 4 nights or so - i can see a lil top tooth just waiting to pop out but its refusing to come quickly enough for either me or connor! it was the same with his bottom 2 teeth as well. i think feeding hurts but he still wants to suck for comfort. which just adds up to one very unsettled baby.

his teething necklace helps, along with ashtons & parsons powder, bonjela, nurofen & calpol (not all at the same time :wink: :wink: )

teething & growth spurts are often mistaken as cues to wean. if weight gain is normal on milk then, for the majority of babies, its not necessary to feed solids until 6 months :hug: :hug:
purple13 said:
sounds just like teething hon.

connor's been a nightmare for the last 4 nights or so - i can see a lil top tooth just waiting to pop out but its refusing to come quickly enough for either me or connor! it was the same with his bottom 2 teeth as well. i think feeding hurts but he still wants to suck for comfort. which just adds up to one very unsettled baby.

his teething necklace helps, along with ashtons & parsons powder, bonjela, nurofen & calpol (not all at the same time :wink: :wink: )

teething & growth spurts are often mistaken as cues to wean. if weight gain is normal on milk then, for the majority of babies, its not necessary to feed solids until 6 months :hug: :hug:

Thanks for the reply, Rudys been a nightmare on the boob, I was wondering why and this explains it!!!! :) I was getting fearful he was going to start refusing the boob, phew. I think everything points to a teething baby, I've got the Ashtons & Parsons powder, but god it's hard to get in their mouth!
Could be teething or a phase! I thought Emms was teething 6 weeks ago when she started to wake in the night after having slept through for 2 months, but so far no sign of any teeth! I think she is going through a phase, hoping it will pass soon or we will get some teeth! :hug:
ASD123456 said:
purple13 said:
sounds just like teething hon.

connor's been a nightmare for the last 4 nights or so - i can see a lil top tooth just waiting to pop out but its refusing to come quickly enough for either me or connor! it was the same with his bottom 2 teeth as well. i think feeding hurts but he still wants to suck for comfort. which just adds up to one very unsettled baby.

his teething necklace helps, along with ashtons & parsons powder, bonjela, nurofen & calpol (not all at the same time :wink: :wink: )

teething & growth spurts are often mistaken as cues to wean. if weight gain is normal on milk then, for the majority of babies, its not necessary to feed solids until 6 months :hug: :hug:

Thanks for the reply, Rudys been a nightmare on the boob, I was wondering why and this explains it!!!! :) I was getting fearful he was going to start refusing the boob, phew. I think everything points to a teething baby, I've got the Ashtons & Parsons powder, but god it's hard to get in their mouth!

Use your finger and dip it into the powder and do it that way - much easier :lol:

It will settle soon ;)

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