Are you managing to eat the reccommended calories?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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I was just wondering if you guys are managing to eat the 2000 calories aday plus the extra ones we are meant to be eating now?

I know for a fact that I am most definately not and most days probably only manage about 3/4 of the 2000, some days I can only eat a bowl of rice crispies.

It doesnt help now that Ive finished work and am lonely and miserable, I eat less when Im sad and miserable and even chocolate doesnt tempt me to eat.

I have a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits when I get up before I go outside and do the horses. I have a cup of tea at luchtime and then maybe an evening meal if oh is home.
I know I should eat more and am fed up of oh nagging me that I dont eat enough ( he eats more than my horses put together and weighs 2.5 x more than me ) but the midwife says that baby is getting everything she needs regardless of how much or how little I eat.
im just like u,theres no way i manage the calories i shud have in a day never mind the extra ones im supposed to be takin in now and my baby has been measurin small,i feel so guilty!! im tryin to look in the supermarket 4 things that are small but really high in cals,just to snack on for the babys sake.its really hard when u just dont feel hungry tho and it feels like youve hardly any room in your stomach as it
I think I could eat 4000 per day no problem to be honest :blush:
some days are ok some days arent I just get it into my head that I want my little one to be healthy and if I dont eat then I think it wont be...its getting that balance isnt it. What i will say is that the baby may be drawing enough from your body but when the baby comes you may be left feeling empty and listless and low sugar levels dont help your state of mind. Another reason I am trying to be healthy. BUT you may be tiny naturally so you dont need anywhere near as much as others hey x

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