Are sharp abdomen pains a bad sign?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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Er, subject says it all. Does anyone know?

I left work (very) early and for the last 20 minutes every step I was taking home was hurting, despite walking very slowly by the end.

Am really hoping that this is not a bad sign :(
Hi Hun

It could be ovulation pains, do you know where you are in your cycle ?

Obviously without wanting to scare you, I suffer sharp pains in my tummy on my right side and I was recently diagnosed with having polycystic ovaries ... I am thinking worst case scenario here though!

Maybe go home and have a nice hot bath to see if that helps x
Where are you in your cycle?

I had sharp pains the same day I found out I was pregnant!! Exciting! this could be it?
Hi Vicky

Thank you for replying x

I am 10 or 11 dpo. The pains were/are in the very centre of the abdominal region, very low down, nothing like AF. I can't sit comfortably at all and standing up hurts. Am just hoping it's not something bad.

Nice bath might be an idea x
Where are you in your cycle?

I had sharp pains the same day I found out I was pregnant!! Exciting! this could be it?
Hi Star Fish

About 4 days from the end. Well that is re-assuring - it felt/feels pretty unsettling so I was worried! I hope so. :)

hmmm could be implantation you should keep an eye out for any spots of blood etc ... good luck honey hope you feel better soon x
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Vickyxx - thank you for your kind words x

Kezza - Aw thanks for asking :hug:

I had a lie down (and a little bit of sleep! yay!) and now back to being fairly uncomfortable with stings rather than the nasty stabbing +extra pain version earlier.

It was more the thought of what the pain might be (e.g. body rejecting something) rather than the pain itself that was upsetting me. Not looking forward to work tomorrow tho :-/

p.s. I have now got 2 (not-too-expensive) HPTs for use in a few days' time!! Wish it was the end of the week already!

Oh bless you :hugs: Glad it's a lil better now though :petal:

My temp giving me trouble but feeling good so dunno what that's about, taken 2 paracetomol so will take temp later on!!!

So you think your gonna test early?

It's good that you're feeling good! :good: (there doesn't seem any way of writing that sentence without sounding dumb... never mind!!)

Hope your temp isn't bothering you too much... is a high temp meant to be a +ve sign?

I am tempted to test early... as the packet contains 2, at least there's something in there I can try if my self-control deserts me!! At the moment I am hoping I can hold out til at least Friday, AF-due day (I'm going out on Thu night so that helps!)

Mainly I feel I should test earlier now to confirm to OH one way or another - since I mentioned I "might be" he's now convinced I am! (and also if I'm not, then maybe I can stop fretting about all these random pains!)
Temp drop to 37.7 so will see what it's like bit later again, was very odd indeed :)

Erm I think a high temp can be, I thought it had to be high for a number of days though so not entirely sure

Well I'm gonna test with a FR tomorrow if the :witch: hasn't appeared, very nervous indeed

Thanks Young Mum!

Fingers and toes crossed for you tomorrow Kezza, we're all rooting for you!!!

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Oh and Kezza, just mentioned to DH that I had got some pregnancy tests and asked him when he wanted me to take them. His reply: "why do you need tests, if your period isn't here by Sunday, you're pregnant".

Oh, for the mind of a man!! ;-)

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