Are headaches normal? Driving me MAD.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I am having "morning sickness" from about 11.00 at night until about 3.00 in the morning. I am not actually sick but I am heaving and feeling generally terrible. I also have mild headaches quite alot. I can understand the sickness but not the headaches......anyone else have this?Am I normal? LOVE BEING PREGNANT - OVER THE MOON BUT SYMPTOMS ARE MAKING ME FEEL TERRIBLE!!!!!
Its lovely to know that you're pregnant, but the first three months can be really horrid.

I have had quite a few headaches actually. Varying from a mild one to a really bad migraine once which had me in floods of tears while I tried to work out if I was allowed any more paracetamol. I was in a real state.

I ended up ringing my local maternity ward and the sister there said I could. I was soooooooo relieved I can't tell you how much!

I seem to get quite a lot of headaches at the weekend. Its annoying when you can't blame alcohol! :(

Quite normal apparently.

It does get better though. I am positively blooming now. I stoped feeling nauseous at 10.5 weeks and I have a lot more energy now.
Thanks Sarah

It is good to hear that it subsides.....I am glad, in a way, that I have these symptoms because I suppose my hormones are on the up!?! I think I would be more worried if I had no you said the symptoms feel horrible. I am afraid to go anywhere because of the embarrasment of wanting to heave so much!!! My mother said that by doing things and going places it will "take my mind off it" but I just find it very tiring.....I feel like I am 90 years old, not 30!!!!!!!!

God help the birth......I am a REAL baby!!! (no punn intended!)
Hi Julia,

Just to let you know - I have been getting really bad tesion headaches recently, my midwife and doc saif there was no point taking anything as it wasnt working. The only thing i have found that really helps is a few drops of lavender oil in a warm bath before bed and a drop or two on my pillow. This has really helped the headaches but i'm not sure about the sickness - sorry. (It does work but you may find you smell like your nan for a few days lol)
Thanks Jessika

Do you know where I can get Lavender Oil from? It is definately worth a try......I am not particularly worried what I smell like if it subsides my headache - even if it were dog poo I would give it a go!!! (now I am just being silly :lol: ) Thanks for the advice!

Julia xx
Hi Julia,

I also wanted to let you know that i've been getting alot more headaches and have been to scared to take anything so have just had a lie down, luckily I work part-time & had leave, so had a lot of time off. I'm now back at work.
I am absolutely knackered tho. It gets to about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and all i want to do is curl up & go to sleep, has anyone else been so tired they don't know what to do with themselves? I think being so tired is giving me headaches too. I just don't have any energy left :cry: Does it get worse as pregnancy goes on or does it improve?

I'm having headaches alot lately (i'm 15wks now) and this headache has lasted from sunday and it still hasn't gone. I think it's something alot of people experience.
I had really bad headaches at around 11 weeks, I was told that is was due to the placenta taking over for the baby but not too sure how right this is. I went to my Dr as I was concerned that it might be something to do with my blood pressure but that was fine. Its just one of those lovely pregnancy symptoms. I too was scared about pain killers but my Dr told me off for not helping myself :( and told me to take paracetomal, it is perfectly safe if you follow the correct doseage directions. He even prescribed me some so I wouldn't need to buy it. I had forgotten my maternity exemption certificate and said to the lady at the chemist, she replied I can tell from your prescription as I had paracetomal and gaviscon on it (another fun symtom - gas and trapped wind). So don't suffer with the pain, seek medical advice if you are concerned what pain killers to take. I also found an ice cold flannel to my forehead and back of neck helped too.

The morning sickness does go, I had it until I was 21 weeks pregnant and it sucked. But I haven't been sick for 3 weeks and am loving it. I hope your headaches and sickness subside soon xxxxxx

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