Are girls Drama Queens... (mummies of boys vote too :) )


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I'm coming to the conclusion that girls are drama queens.. :rotfl:

My friend has a little boy the same age as lil miss and he fell over and bumped his head, cried for all of a minute, stopped and happily went on playing... Lil miss on the other hand, hit herself in the head with one of her toys earlier and a swear the neighbours must have though I was extracting toe nails with pliers... :roll: :roll:

So I'm making a poll for it.. This is based on minor every day bumps and scratches rather than the broken arm, fallen from a height, deep cut sorta injury... :D

Fine after a bump is where they cry for a short while (30 secs/minute) and then skip off happily (well crawl off in some cases :lol:)
And scream blue murder is where they are inconsolable for several minutes as if the world is coming to an end and usually boob/bottle/dummy/huge cuddle are the only solutions.
A boy, but seems fine after a bump

I've only got Dan to go by but after a fall or bump he normally just gets up, rubs his head and carries on with what he was doing. If he starts crying I know he really has hurt himself.

We do treat him like we treat our dog though. Thats not as bad as it sounds! :lol: Because dogs look to owners on how to behave, ie if theres a thunder storm and I make a fuss of my dog she thinks there is something to worry about, so I just carry on as normal. If Dan falls over I don't go rushing to him, I leave him for a few seconds and wait for his reaction.
bwith both of mine it depends on the time of day, tiredness etc. most times they will brush it off, others they scream the place down.
Misslarue said:
We do treat him like we treat our dog though. Thats not as bad as it sounds! :lol:

Sorry but this really made me laugh! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks :D
I think my little boy can be a drama but mostly he just forgets it in a minute!
my girl doesnt cry after a bump IF we dont make a big deal of it. but if she sees me look worried or i make a fuss then she will howl! so yes she is a drama queen lol
i have one of each and my little girl is a complete drama queen. she has been throwing tantrums since the day she was
Both my girls are drama queens, :roll: Its the pitch if the screeming that gets me and if you dont jump to the rescue it gets louder arghhhh.
Hmm, now Angel can bump her head. I try getting her to sit but if she gets distracted she falls over. She bumped her head on the footstool, cried for about 30 seconds, then was fine again.
But if she drops her toy/remote/mobile phone she will scream and scream til something else distracts her. So i assume she may end up being a drama queen.
Both mine are drama queens, Jakes soft, if he's hurt he whinges for agggggges, but Georgia doesn't, however she paddies something cronic if you take anything she shouldnt have off her and shes only 9 months yet!! Eeeeeeeeeeeek :lol:
hannah is very easiy distracted if she hurts herself, i pick her up, point to the window and say 'BIRDIES!!!' and she forgets instantly why she was crying - UNLESS, she unwell/tired then we never hear the end of it. :rotfl:

emily, im not sure yet, she hasnt hurt herself yet....
trixipaws said:
my girl doesnt cry after a bump IF we dont make a big deal of it. but if she sees me look worried or i make a fuss then she will howl! so yes she is a drama queen lol
This is like my three. We always try to make a joke out of a bump and most of the time they will laugh along too. It's their grandparetns who fuss and console them over the slightest scrape and then they tend to milk it.

I must say tho, Rox was a complete drama queen after her jabs - even when it MUST have stopped hurting she would just screw her nose up and have a little whinge at me. Almost like she was just reminding me that she HADN'T forgotten what I let the lady do to her and she wasn't going to forgive me anytime soon! The others were both little soldiers though.

I think a lot of it comes down to your reaction towards bumps, although I know there are some real drama queens (male and female) among my friends kids!
girl= drama queen/diva :lol:
Mine is soooo dramatic lol she even has a cry with no tears haha :dance:
boy, fine after a bump - says ouch and holds out hurt part of body for a kiss then carries on with his business :lol:
I swear Evie has some sort of weird condition in which she feels no pain... she is always bumping and banging herself no she's attempting to walk. Today she banged her head on the coffee table at my was the sort of crack that makes your stomach churn. She immediately looked at the table with pure disgust on her face and then carried on cuddling iggle piggle. Meanwhile I was having a coronary :roll: :rotfl:

She will scream blue murder though if I take anything off her that she isn't supposed to have and when I change her nappy the noise from the tantrum is phenomonal :talkhand:
Misslarue said:
A boy, but seems fine after a bump

I've only got Dan to go by but after a fall or bump he normally just gets up, rubs his head and carries on with what he was doing. If he starts crying I know he really has hurt himself.

We do treat him like we treat our dog though. Thats not as bad as it sounds! :lol: Because dogs look to owners on how to behave, ie if theres a thunder storm and I make a fuss of my dog she thinks there is something to worry about, so I just carry on as normal. If Dan falls over I don't go rushing to him, I leave him for a few seconds and wait for his reaction.

We are exactly the same - although we don't have a dog :lol:
In reality I should just rush over to lil miss every time she falls over... I'd loose a ton of weight... shes just a drama queen.... and if she copies me... the word... Fk It would be eloquently spoken by now :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Tia's a drama queen though and she is currently THE GODDESS in our house :rotfl:
Alex has a tendency to be dramatic all day long, not really just for bumps.

He sits there and just WAILS at me all the time. Even if I pick him up, he is still uber grumpy. Every day is the same. He acts as though he's got depression or something.

Now and then he'll cheer up and have a giggle...and then 10 minutes later he's back to being ridiculously grumpy.

So yes, when he has a bump, he screams as though the sky were falling down.

I don't know if it's because of teething - calpol never seems to cheer him up though. He's been like this since he was born. Clingy, and grumpy.

We keep hoping he'll grow out of it but he's still just plain miserable. :wall:
Arianna hardly crys after a bump, only thing is if it is a silly bump, like she has been playing about and bangs herself she runs and hides behind the lounge curtains as she is embarassed!

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