

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
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I started bout a week ago given Alex a night time formula of aptimal which I felt guilty for doing but he really likes it but he only goes to the toilet once evry 3 days when he used to be regular has any one else found this with aptimal, is it his body adjusting to having formula, when he finally goes its an explosion through all his nappy and clothes, now I have the dilema keep going with the top up, change the formula or just breastfeed and enjoy being up every few hours through the night just that being on my own with 3 kids can get a bit tiring and they have a moany mummy when I have had to feed all night I am still feeding 2-3 times a night even with the formula top up :?
Hi Nic,

I just wanted to say that Jared is now on 2 bottles of Aptamil a day to supplement bf - he is much happier. he was waking every hour and a half at night, and with 2 other boys things were getting very hard!. things came to a head last week when i took he him to be weighed, he had only put on 3oz in 2 weeks :( :( .My HV is wonderful and has been very supportive.if you lo one is happier,do what feels right for you.I cried the first bottle i gave him, the little traitor guzzled straight away! As for pooping,I'd give it time to settle down, as long as you lo is happy.

good luck :hug:

I changed from SMA to Aptamil about two weeks ago, though I only use them as top ups after breastfeeding or when OH fancies giving him the odd feed. He never wanted the SMA at all but he seems to have taken a little more liking to Aptamil for some reason, I too noticed that he pooped less and they are mustard in colour, but I haven't thought it to be a problem. He doesn't complain about his bowls, and he doesn't drink an awful lot of formula as he much prefers breastfeeding anyway. I don't bother with expressing anymore its too much of a faff, I just stick him onto the boob whenever he seems hungry or give the odd formula bottle.
We had to mix-feed Jenna as, although I wanted to breast feed only, she wasn't gaining enough weight so we were told we had to give top ups. We used (and still do use) Aptamil as it's what the hospital recommended (supposed to be the closest to breast milk .. hmmm ....). Jenna always poo'd 2-3 times a day. Now she is on 100% formula and still poos once a day.
I topped up with aptamil once a day for 6 wks when BFing and Layla only really pooed once every 2 days. She's now exlusively bottle fed on aptamil and poos normally once a day (and they're mustard coloured too :puke: !).

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