
Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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Wondering if anyone has gone through any testing for APS? I’ve had 3 early mc, 2 were mmc where there were clots in the womb. Just for peace of mind I’d like to get these tests done but don’t know where to start.

I saw my GP on thu who was very good and agreed to run some tests but didn’t mention this. I don’t know if it would need a referral to a hospital? Any help appreciated xx
Hi rainbow, so sorry to hear about your losses. I’ve also had 3 early mc and two were mmc. When you’ve had 3 losses you are entitled to investigations, i was referred to the recurrent mc clinic at my local hospital and had aps testing there. Unfortunately my local hospital weren’t very good so I ended up going to st Mary’s in London privately in the end and they test for another blood clotting problem that no where else seems to test for. Have a chat with your gp about being referred for further tests. I think that you may also be able to specifically request to go a Tommy’s clinic, I’m not sure where you’re located but that may be worth looking into too. All the best for your journey xx
Hi Lucy. The doctor has written a letter to my local hospital asking if they’ll consider doing recurring mc testing but he doesn’t know if they’ll accept me due to the fact my 3 mc weren’t consecutive. I had 2 then my daughter then another. How did you refer to st Mary’s? I’m quite happy to pay privately but don’t know how to go about it. Also if you don’t mind how much did it cost? X
I emailed mr raj rai (one of the consultants that specialises in blood clotting disorders) directly and he replied really quickly with his secretary’s details and I contacted her and she booked me in. I had a wait of about 3 weeks. The initial tests probably cost me £1k in total. The most expensive bit was a saline infused ultrasound that checked for any problems in the uterus. The blood clotting tests themselves weren’t that expensive. Also if the gp does do some tests for you then they won’t make you redo any tests you’ve already had done. I can let you have his secretary’s email address for more info? Xx
The nhs diagnosed me with aps but then when I went private I was told that the nhs diagnosis was wrong. I did however have the TEG test that st Mary’s do and that was a strong positive for a different blood clotting disorder. My body doesn’t break down blood clots fast enough or something like that so I have to take heparin injections everyday from a positive test to thin my blood xx
Thanks Lucy. I’ve had subchorionic haematomas in my 2 missed miscarriages and my last pregnancy was a suspected molar but turned out to be non molar. I think it may have been suspected due to blood clots. My brother and dad are both on warfarin too so I feel it’s something that needs to be checked out x
What is aps?
I need aspirin when pregnant and have clotting issues + recurrent miscarriage.
APS is basically a clotting issue. I’ve never been tested but will be getting the tests soon x

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