Appt with consultant


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Hiya Ladies!

I've had a letter from the hospital saying that I have to go to an appointment with the Obs/Gynae consultant in a couple of weeks time - it's because I've had moderately high blood pressure (nothing ever too drastic, never had meds or anything) since I was about 18, thanks to my family genes :mad:

Has anyone here been monitored by a consultant as well as a midwife? I don't really know what to expect and am worried it's going to be one of those appts where all they do is tell you what can go wrong and I'll end up leaving a gibbering wreck - not good for my bp!!

The doctor put me straight onto Methyldopa when I told him I was pregnant, he didn't even offer another bp check in a couple of weeks or anything, just put me straight on the meds. I don't feel any different so no idea if they're working but my bp will be tested at my midwife appt on 5/1 so will find out then I guess.

Bloody date for the appt is terrible - I now have consultant appt, dentist appt and doctors appt all in one day :wall:

Happy New Year eh?
I've not had to have consultant care so I dont know but I didnt want to read and run:)
Wow - maybe you should cancel one - i'd go for the dentist lol! At least the consultant will be looking after you, i'm sure they just want to keep a closer eye on things. Hope things go well let us no.
My friend has had her thyroid removed so she's consultant lead because of her medication.
yeah I'm thinking I might put the dentist off....not that I need much of an excuse, I'm terrified of the dentist :shock:

I know there are lots of reasons for care to be consultant led, it just feels like they think something will go wrong which is what's worrying me I guess. I don't want my whole pregnancy to be filled with fear, and if stress makes my bp higher then it all seems a little pointless too (that's the irrational part of me talking there, I know it's not really pointless!)
They might just assess what info they have and hand you back to the midwives. This is what they did with me. I had to have a consultant appointment due to being on medication for puking all the time, to be honest it was a complete waste of time. I just got told that everything is fine with baby and I don't need consultant care and was signed back over to midwives. I think if you remain under consultant care then you either have all of your appointments done at the hospital, or see a mixture of community midwives and your consultant. xx
Well, I had the appointment with the consultant today, and just like you Katy, I thought it was a complete waste of time. He seemed rather bemused that I'd even been sent to him at all, as far as he was concerned, my blood pressure was under control, I'm not far gone enough for him to palpate, my urine was fine and previous bloods have all been fine. He just looked at me over the top of his glasses and said I wasn't to go back until I was 28 weeks! Ho in a hour....then doctors this afternoon :( Boooo!!
and it's bloody snowing so I've got to walk everywhere lol!! Good job I live in the centre of town!!

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