Anyone's bump feeling different?

Rosie's Mummy you had a really tough deal last time you poor thing! to go through the worst of labour, almost get there and end up with a section is just horrible. I know lots of women who had VBACs and they were delighted. I do hope you get the birth you want this time. It sounds like its well on its way anyway :)

Thanks Buttons, it was an ordeal! Am very positive about this birth - its going to be great! :)
Sounds like everything is going really well for you at last! Keep bouncing. My babe has been low from start really - thought i would walk loads today to get things moving along and have to say i had trouble sitting earlier as bubs felt as if it had moved down even more - i aso constantly feel the need to wee - can wee and still need to wee again cos babe is sqishing my bladder so much - remember this from before and the advice being to rock back and forth on the loo! Sounds like we could be any time x
:yay: sounds fab evajo! More announcements on the way soon I should think!

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