Anyone WTT due to BFing?

Thanks KarenC! Congratulations by the way :)

E has cut down on her feedings to about 6x a day now - including night time. I've kind of felt as though AF was on its way from about 6 months and it arrived just before 8 months. So Saralouise yours may be back soon!
Totally get what you mean - hate periods but its a relief to know your fertility's back. I never tried with E, she was a surprise honeymoon baby! So I'm excited to actively ttc!
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Hi Girls,

My AF didn't return after 4 weeks of cutting down to one feed a day so I stopped completely and AF arrived 2 weeks later (yesterday).

I did a sneaky breast feed on the plane too on Sunday and my milk supply is still around for now.

So it's CD 2 today! I'm TTC now!! :dance:

Well AF didnt arrive despite all the cramping! We are on 5 bottles of formula & 4 booby feeds a day now, no booby feeds at night.

Hope she shows her ugly face soon x
Hi Girls,

My AF didn't return after 4 weeks of cutting down to one feed a day so I stopped completely and AF arrived 2 weeks later (yesterday).

I did a sneaky breast feed on the plane too on Sunday and my milk supply is still around for now.

So it's CD 2 today! I'm TTC now!! :dance:


Woop!! Fingers crossed its swift!
The witch arrived today..Wahoo!

The witch arrived today... Boo!
Well my first Period came last month (8.5 months PP) so don't know if they are regular yet but off to TTC!

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