Anyone worried about alcohol and being in early pregnancy? Interesting article...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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I am a "moderate" drinker. I enjoy alcohol (usually more so at weekends!) and particularly after 2 consecutive losses was worried this might play a part despite the hospital saying no.

I always found it odd that certainly my mum's generation always continued to drink (and smoke in most cases) whilst pregnant too that the new advice on ttc and pregnancy is so stringent.

This article certainly questions the current thinking and made me feel a bit better...
i pesonally wouldnt be a "moderate" drink at ALL during pregnancy, no matter if it was early pregnancy or not. I had half a glass of wine at about 9 weeks pregnant, and in the nice weather a few weeks ago i had half a pint of cider shandy, and i intend on having a wee glass of champagne at my Dads wedding in a few weeks.

but carrying on drinking as normal, like every day or having more than a few at weekends I think is disgusting when you are pregnant. Ditto for smoking. Luckily I had given up the fags a fews days before I ovulated, so this baby has NEVER been subject to that poison. Have to say, being pregnant has made it easier for me to give up the fags this time. Although I could still kill for one now!
that article is just about IQ and attention span. It doesnt state how many of those woman who started the trial had a miscarriage or had babies of low birth weight which drinking during pregnancy can cause.
Also, I always think even if it doesnt affect them "developmentally" in the long term... think about how else it may affect them? I know when I have had even one glass of wine I start to feel the affect of alcohol in my system immediately e.g. bit light headed / fuzzy etc If I feel like that I always think how on earth would a unborn baby feel - surely it would hit them 10 x's more e.g. being tipsey to us must feel paraletic to an unborn child. The thought really scares me... but the other side to that argument is do you hold back and not drink every 2WW even though it could take you years... I still dont have more than one glass of wine during my 2WW just in case, but as soon as I know for sure i'm pregnant 100% I will cut out alcohol completely..
I was more thinking about being in the tww and ttc...

The 2 times i've got bfps, not touched a drop until 100% sure its over. I always found that actually went right off booze when preggo, the smell made my tummy roll.

I must admit, I was surprised by the "moderate" thing too - its "drinks" too, not even units...

I thought it was interesting anyway.

And Lynds - I gave up the fags over 4 years ago now, and still get cravings! Its so hard giving up smoking. Drinking is a cinch in comparison!!!
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yeah definitely an interesting read and a good idea to pop it on a forum like this so everyone can have a butchers and form their own opinions :) xx
I think there is a HUGE difference between getting pregnant and being in the early stages of a strong pregnancy.

I know from IVF that toxins can make and break the viability of an embryo. Alcohol can be a mild antioxidant, but is also a strong toxin and that will impact both sperm and egg quality so if you are having issues conceiving as a couple then I wouldn't drink more than a thimble full.

I hate it when they make statements like this because I do believe that some people will lose a pregnancy or have a child with long term issues simply because they drank too much and it might only be 1 in a million, but someone has to be that person and I certainly wouldn't want it to be me xx
I had one m/c after drinking in 2ww (we weren't trying) 2 m/c's after not drinking in 2ww and this pregnancy I had 3 glasses of wine 6 days before I got my BFP.

I have not - in any of my pregnancies - touched a drop after BFP!


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