Anyone suffering not being able to sleep?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I'm not even that pregnant but at night I'll go to bed and feel knackeries but then be up fOr the next 2 hours not able to sleep! It's doing my head in, along with the neasea and the diareah and the constant tummy niggles. Why can't tri one be all lovely? Lol although I'm sooo happy to be here and can cope with it all I wish I was 'glowing' and not a spotty worrying mess lol
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Hi Hun I wake at 5 every morning I'll often post on here lol :( it's so poop it's Been the same since 10dpo xxx
Aww bless u! How fr gone r u? Sorry I can't zoom in enough on my phone to see ur ticker lol x
im only 6.5weeks and im suffering this im shattered during day go to bed...toss and turn eventually fall asleep wake during night toss and turn...go for a wee.... back to bed sleep wake in morning and am shattered sometimes have to get up then go back to "bed" and have a nap on sofa.
I've been struggling to sleep at night too. I just find it so hard to get comfy and my mind seems to be really active all the time!! It's annoying, I hope it improves! :(
Snap - I will go to bed knackered but it will take me forever to get to sleep. Then when I do I'm only asleep for half an hour then I wake up cos I need the loo! It's soooo irritating!
I'm 6 weeks :) and guess what I'm awake ar 2.44 am aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( x
i'm 8 weeks and definitely having problems sleeping! been awake since 3! and i don't feel i'll be going back to sleep and time soon!
Poor you auntie2mommy I managed to get back to sleep after about an hour and half!! It's pants isn't it!!! X
It gets better in tri 2 I find. All through tri 1 I was getting about 4 hours sleep tops. And even then that was broken sleep. Not sure diareaha (sorry for spelling) is a common symptom but I could be wrong? Best just ask a doc to be sure. But don't worry, it wouldn't be anything bad. I had bad tummy and went to docs and they were concerned I had tummy bug. Shouldn't harm LO though.xx
I'm still like this in Tri2. I go to bed shattered and generally go to sleep ok. However I always seems to wake between 1 & 3am, go to the loo and can't get back to sleep again. End up being knackered in the morning.
I was awake at like 5am with bad tummy pain, ended up farting on OH and it went away but I coulddnt sleep still lol

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