Anyone studying/has studied for a degree with a young baby?


Feb 2, 2008
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Hi all,

Just wanted some honest opinions on this really, on whether or not it is feasible...

I am almost 3 months pregnant, with my baby due late November. I currently work as an AutoCAD Technician but this is going to be far too stressful with a new baby I can tell, even part-time - everything seems to have an urgent deadline and required overtime or late working. I quite fancy becoming a teaching assistant, and then doing some study through the Open University to get a degree and eventually become a primary school teacher.

Has anyone else out there juggled a new baby/ies with studying and/or part-time work? I know this is probably something I should have done a while back but since wanting kids and falling preggers I have wanted so badly to work with children. I would probably have to do the part-time study route which would take 6 years (plus possible PGCE), and that alone requires around 12-16 hours of study a week!!

I'd really love to hear from all you super-mums who have managed to pull this off, so that I know there is hope for me yet!!

Also, anyone else considered switching careers to work with children once they'd had their own?

Thanks all :D
I did my BSc (Hons) in computer programming and business management when Tia was just 8 weeks old.... I came out with a 2:1 and I had loads of other cr*p going on at the time too...with my ex, my sister and my illness... so its more than feasible... :)

I had to study for a minimum of 20 hours a week at Uni in order to qualify for my loan and that had to be a recorded 80% attendance.

It was hard work... don't get me wrong... especially as a breastfed Tia and she didn't sleep at night... but it was worth while.. :)
I'm currently studying for my AS levels, in History, Geography, and English. It is hard, I come back from school and need to do essays/revise, but i can't because Willow is teething and doesn't want put down, then by the time she falls asleep I'm far too tired it can be a bit tricky juggling it, sometimes, but it is definitly feasible..I went back to school when baby was 5 months old, I am still breastfeeding her at almost 9 months, I've never had to put her on means pumping twice a day, getting up very early, doing nothing but study when i get the chance..but if you are organised and determined you can do it!
I'm starting an Msc in Archaeology GIS in October and then straight on to my Phd. Layla will be about 7 months when I start. I think it's feasible, I know it'll be hard work and demanding with a baby but possible. Us woman have the amazing ability to multi-task :D
I have a degree but am planning to return to uni for just over two years to take a DipHE in Sept 09, when my LO will be 2. It will be tough and means my partner and I have to move to be near my mum who has offered to care for her during the days I am at uni/on placement (when she is 3 I will put her in nursery 2/3 times a week too) Not sure how it will work out yet but I am determined to be super organised and motivated :D Good luck with your course!
I was in my first year of uni when I got pregnant with Lydia.

I finished the year and then took the following year out. (Lydia was born at the beginning of the academic year that I took out).

I decided to change courses and started the first year of my new course when Lydia was 12 months old.

During that year we were TTC, so I got pregnant 2 months into that year.

So again I finished the year, then had Alex, and now I'm in the middle of another year out.

I'm going back in September to the second year of the new course - Lydia will be 3 and Alex will be 13 months.
Having kids is the reason I've given up on my dream of becoming a nurse :(

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