Studying with children


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Hello ladies :wave:

I just had a question with regards to studying whilst you have young children.

As I've mentioned previously - chances are slim that I'll return to work. We'll try and make do on hubbies wage and I'll stay at home as a full time mum.
(If needs be I'll look into getting part time work after maternity runs out if we really can't manage and see if we can get some top ups from the government the make it worth while (considering we'd need child care) :roll: )
I just personally couldn't take returning to my job full time (only position available) and leaving my kid in child care all day, then trying to be a mum AND do the domestic work all evening :talkhand: :shock:

Anyway....point is I have just finished a 6month short course with the open uni to get myself back into studying and I liked it :D
I've now finally decided that I can dedicate myself to one subject enough to get a decent qualification in it :lol: I struggled after school 'sampling' lots of courses and never completing them because I didn't know what I wanted to do :oops:
Never went to Uni or anything...

Well I go to a sunday study class where we learn about Islam...and I have a bookcase full of books at home's obviously an interesting subject to me consdiering I'm Muslim! :rotfl: So I thought why not get a qualification in it?! My best friend has a masters already :D

Thing is there doesn't seem to be a lot 'inbetween'. It's either little estalishments that have their own certificates or I'll actually have to do a masters :think:
Now I'm happy to do this! I can spend 1 year building up credits on a foundation course and then 3 years part time masters....all on correspondence so I don't have to leave home :cheer: (I'm actually enquiring at a welsh uni if I need to build up credits as they don't seem to have minimum entry requirements on the website for it :pray: )...but what I want to know is REALISTICALLY....especially at the financial costs :shock: how have people found studying whilst having young children?

My mum has gone mad and told me not to enroll for anything until baby is in nursery! :? :wall: Which wont be until he's about 3years old and I'd really hope to have a 2nd child on the way by then as I don't want large age gaps between them :shakehead:
I'd dread doing what she did with me and my brother though.....waited until I started high school and my brother was in junior school and then basically put all our lives on hold for 4 years to do a teaching degree :shakehead: She was never there, didn't even cook meals regularly etc, dad worked night shift and so we hardly saw him and I went a bit awol as a result and don't think I've ever truely forgiven her because 3 years after passing she packed in teaching! :doh: I just felt like we'd been through all that for nothing :(

I was hoping to start in jan or possibly april will be either 3 or 6 months old so I should have started getting used to things.
Hubby wont mind helping out on sundays so I can study and/or go out with friends for a few hours without baby.

Just wondered what you guys have done and/or plan to do?? :think:
Ummm, bit of a different situation I suppose, but I am doing A levels at the minute. So far, I've found studying and looking after DD fine. It;s all a question of organisation :D I've quite it enjoyed it actually, as using my brain reminds me I have one ( namely one which does not revolve around Mothercare) Mind you, only my results, which are out soon, will prove that I've been successful :lol:
I started a degree a few years ago when i had t and c - i did the first year and got all my credits, then i got preg with aidan in my 2nd year so i stopped doing the course, then i got preg with little un when aidan was 6 months old. i plan to finish my degree but i just dont know when
OOOh I got an e-mail back from the welsh uni stating they couldn't offer funding for part time students but they would consider my application based on not just my grades but my enthusiasim oof the subject :cheer:
I think it's possible.

I plan to do an OU course next year while I'm still on maternity leave. I'm got an advanced diploma and I need to top it up to a full degree, so I'm going to do that.

I think you just need to look at the study commitments of the course ie recommended number of hours you need to put in each week, and see if it's a viable option for you.

Good luck!
Good luck to you as well! :hug:

The welsh uni states its great for mature students with other commitments as you can do as much or as little as you want - as long as you finish in the prescribed time period.

Apparently I'd have 2years of study where I have to do 6 essays of 5,000 words and then the third year I do my dissitation which will be 20,000 words to get the full MA.
If I have to finish after the first year as long as I pass 3 essays I get a post graduate certificate and if I pass two years and do all 6 eassays but not the dissitation I get a I'm very tempted to apply! :cheer:

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