I had my last appointment at 36+2 weeks (on Friday). They said that I'm classed as a low risk pregnancy (my last preg with IUGR meant I was being seen at the hospital alternate visits).
I was at the hospital for that appointment, and they said that baby is growing fine, which was the only thing putting me in the high risk category and therefore I could go to my local clinic now. She asked when my next appointment was with her, and it is Wednesday. Which makes me 38 weeks when I go.
It just seems strange, i thought after 36 weeks you were seen weekly until you gave birth?
part of me just wants to have an appointment to have a chat about the contractions and pressure i've been having. i'm sure i can wait till wednesday, but still....
I was at the hospital for that appointment, and they said that baby is growing fine, which was the only thing putting me in the high risk category and therefore I could go to my local clinic now. She asked when my next appointment was with her, and it is Wednesday. Which makes me 38 weeks when I go.
It just seems strange, i thought after 36 weeks you were seen weekly until you gave birth?
part of me just wants to have an appointment to have a chat about the contractions and pressure i've been having. i'm sure i can wait till wednesday, but still....