Anyone know..


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2010
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Does anyone know what this says and what it means? I just can't work it out. :lol: its under the section fetal lie/position in my notes. ( not ceph the one next to it..)


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At first I thought it meant long lying but now I'm not so sure. Stupid mw handwriting lol.

I think they i that on purpose to stop us being nosey x
aww yeah that is what i think too - they don't like us looking at our notes and knowing what the stuff is. She didn't even tell me anything when I went last week just felt my bump then wrote stuf in my book that I can't read, which has been annoying me ever since.. :lol:
ps I thought it said long tailed at one point! :shock:
Grrr thats so frustrating! I cant understand it, hate it when that happens xxx
:oooo: so if that is what it says then it must mean its head is down ( assuming that ceph means its head is down?) and lying diagonal or something? sorry I'm being an idiot..
i never understand the mw horrid handwriting, my 5year old neice can write alot better than what they write lol
I think Doctors/nurses and midwifes etc must all go on some special secret handwriting course, were they are taught to write in the ancient scribble language that only they know how to read..
The last 4 times i've seen my MW she's written ROA or LOA meaning he's either on the right or left of my bump (the little wotsit flips himself like he's turning over in bed lol). That writting is atrocious!! lol x
i used to get wound up by my notes when i got home so now i keep an eye on what she is writing at the time. if im unsure i ask her. she can get annoyed if she likes but they are notes about me and i have a right to know what they say.

mine are the same every time though as he has been in the same position since 22 weeks. all that has changed is he is moving lower and lower each time. xxx
I gave up trying to read my midwifes writing ages agooo! It's basically impossible!

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