Anyone know about car insurance


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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My SIL bought a new car in Jan. Brand new Mazda, bright green, the one that is on the tv adverts at the moment. She has only done 3000 miles in it and as it's brand new it was immaculate.

Last week whilst in a traffic jam a lorry squashed her and has done a lot of damage to the car as was pushed along the road. All new panels and some structural work. An initial assessment says it will probably be written off.

Now, she will be given the a cheque for a new car but as her car is under a year old she will only be given the market value of it which will be £2000 less than what she paid. She obviously wants a brand new car again as it's under a year old and she paid extra for the colour green and the air conditioning. She will also be out of pocket as she got a loan to buy it .

Anyone know if they replace the car for a new one if it's under a year old as this accident will end up costing her?
No idea. What has her insurance company said?

If its the other persons fault then their insurance will cough up but as to how much :think:

What was her listing for the value of the car? They go on market value of older cars. I can't see they would do anything different with ones less than a year old either but you never know. As soon as a new car is driven off the forecourt it loses value. Its been driven for 6 months now so its value has gone down anyways.

Can she not get one from the dealership that is 6 months old and therefore costs less? Its what I'd do if I got a cheque and it didn't cover the total value of the car when new.

Sorry I can't help more.
they give it basically the money that it would cost to by that car now , and if u buy a 6 month old car it prob is 2k cheaper then new already , thats the problem with buying new cars unfortunatly , if she had gone to sell the car now she wouldnt get back what she paid .

when my scooby was written off ( had been stolen) i paid summer prices for her , she was stolen in winter , they gave me 1500 less then i paid ( had only had her 4 months) and on a 5k that was alot to loose !

im sorry thats not what u or your sis wanted to hear
depends on the policy she took out.

I used to sell insurance (it was for caravans and motorhomes, but still simular!) and if the customers vehicle was under 5yrs old we always recomended taking the "New for Old" option so they would replace it with something for the price they paid for the vehicle brand new.

Hope she gets it sorted!
Cheers girls. She is gutted about her car. She's only 25 and it was her pride and joy. I'll ask her about the old for new and get her to check. She's going for a whiplash claim as doc has given her tablets for neck and back pain so hopefully she will get a couple of grand for that which will make up the £2000 she'll lose :pray: .

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