Anyone 'imagined' a line? TESTED AGAIN Pg2


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I took a ebay cheapie test this morn (yes I know its a bit early but I have an addiction :oops: ) and within 5 mins I could see a very very faint line. Problem is I dont know if I'm imagining it to be there :oops: You have to really look for it to see it :pray: I just read that back and I sound like I'm losing my marbles :lol:
I doubt it very much, I can hardly see it myself lol :? I think I'm imagining it TBH :oops: :oops:
:hug: :hug: :hug: maybe give it another try tomorrow was it fmu?
Snuggle my first "line" was so faint I thought i was imaging it but I could see where I thought the line would be if that makes sense? it was like that for about 5 days before it became more clear! :hug:
Could be worth posting a pic, we can all zoom in and try and see?

I hope a line is there, I would do another test tomorrow though.

Sending you lots of babydust.
I'm trying to take a pic but it keeps coming out blurry. Hubby has just came home for lunch so asked him to look and he says he can see a very faint line so fingers crossed. I didnt get a clear line with Maddison until a day after AF was due so I'm probably testing far too early :?
Thanks for replies girls, I will test again in a few days and stop being so impatient :hug:
Yay sounds promising :cheer: fingers crossed your line gets darker :hug: :hug:
Sounds really promising Got my fingers crossed for you :pray:
Snuggle said:
I doubt it very much, I can hardly see it myself lol :? I think I'm imagining it TBH :oops: :oops:
ummmm my tests were like that and guess what i was preggers so it looks hopeful :D although i have imagined a line b4 but i knew it wasn't there and if you can still see the line i doubt you imagined it but hay good luck keep testing over the next few days and see if the test goes darker (my ebay cheapies never did get darker till yesterday so might be worth getting a brand one like tesco's or something)
ohhh i'm so excited for you i sooo hope it is :cheer: :D
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Snuggle my first "line" was so faint I thought i was imaging it but I could see where I thought the line would be if that makes sense? it was like that for about 5 days before it became more clear! :hug:

Ooh I'm trying not to get excited, I kind of wish I hadnt been so impatient and waited a few more days to test....**slaps hand** :hug:

Thanks girls :hug: :hug:
Anna23 said:
Snuggle said:
I doubt it very much, I can hardly see it myself lol :? I think I'm imagining it TBH :oops: :oops:
ummmm my tests were like that and guess what i was preggers so it looks hopeful :D although i have imagined a line b4 but i knew it wasn't there and if you can still see the line i doubt you imagined it but hay good luck keep testing over the next few days and see if the test goes darker (my ebay cheapies never did get darker till yesterday so might be worth getting a brand one like tesco's or something)

Thank you hun, I'm going to try put it out of my mind for a couple of days (yeah right :fib: ). Going to wait and test again in a few days with a digi :hug: :hug:
I really hope this is the start of a dark BFP for you hunny!!! Cant wait to hear,ive got everything crossed for you :D :D :D :D :D
:pray: :pray: :pray: Good luck Jools - and don't forget we want pics :D
Sounds very promising!! Dont think both of you would be imagining a line :shock: :cheer: :pray:
For the last couple of hours I have had a strange pulling feeling at the very bottom of my tummy, it feels different to period pain, is this a sign of early pregnancy? I didnt have this with Maddison :pray:
YES!! I had that with all three of my pg and never had it at any other time... this sounds so promising for you :cheer: :cheer:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh God, I'm trying so hard not to get excited because I'm truly setting myself up for a fall but I have a really good feeling about this month (although all predictions have told me November :think: )

Thank you andreaaa :hug: :hug: :hug:

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