Anyone 'imagined' a line? TESTED AGAIN Pg2

Sounds really promising :hug: If there was a line strong enough to see then you're likely to be pregnant :hug: :hug:

I'm positive the line will get stronger for you and I would agree with waiting a few days to test again but if you're anything like me you'll be testing every morning :lol:

Good luck, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :hug:
Thanks girls, I chanced it and did a First Response Early test and it was BFN :( I'm not testing anymore, keep convincing myself I can see very faint lines :oops:
Am just going to wait for AF now.
Thank you for all your support while I've been a POAS muppet :lol:
are you sure there is ment to be 2 lines on the test strip? if not pregnant? i'd say there should be 1 line if not pregnant the test line :? :?
snuggle sorry i been away sounds like you have been a bit up and down! i hope you didn't imagine those lines and AF stays away hun xx :hug:
Thanks girls, was a BFN today so just waiting for AF to show around Sunday now :hug: :hug:
Snuggle said:
Thanks girls, was a BFN today so just waiting for AF to show around Sunday now :hug: :hug:

Don't give up! I tested on a Tuesday (I was due on Friday) and got a BFN and then tested again on Friday and got a faint BFP and the line just kept getting stronger.

:pray: for you. Hope it's a BFP :hug:
Aw thanks hun, I havent given up hope, just given up testing early. Going to wait until AF is due and test then instead so that I hopefully get a BFP :hug: :hug:

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