anyone heard from MISSJULY ??

Tracey - Lol! Thanks hun, that's my one positive thought about my cycles, one more day is just another day more without her and that's a good thing I suppose. :) x x

Gem - I doubt I'd get a refund as the control line is there, sort of lol. How come not good signs hun? Hope you're ok. x x
still think it sounds like a dodgy test to me.....the cm thing sounds a very good sign...... :) :) have everything crossed for you...

I am in my most fertile time and OH is away!! ha ha....oh well, roll on December!!!!! One positive thing from all this, if I'm not pregnant early in the new year, we are going to book to go on our honeymoon about a year or 2 before we get married...ha gonna go to Cuba in May/June......cos hopefully by the time we do get married there will be a 3rd person in the family and i don't mean a mistress!! (hopefully) we may as well have our posh holiday before....

Thanks Samsgirl. :)

Oh no, will he be back before it ends? Ah, a holiday sounds fabulous! I'd *love* to go abroad right now. x x
yeah, he is back tomorrow should still be ok.....hope he isn't too xx
Lol, make him an offer he can't refuse. :p

I think I'm going to spend some time doing house work then do my hair dye then treat myself to a pedicure. :) x x
thought ud vanished lol
all good news though better than greeting us with AF :D good luck and fingers crossed hun x x
Minx - How could I ever leave you lot? :p Yeah I guess that's true eh? xx

Louise - Yup, exactly, I'm still far! x x

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hey Samsgirl - mesage me if you want me to find you your ideal "honeymoon" - I own a travel agency lol
Ooh Tracey! Do you think you could find me and my hubby a holiday in the sun for say £10? :p x x
oh yeah me too lol
but ill pay £20 as iv got 3 pasengers :p

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