Anyone having a glass of wine over Xmas?

MrsBrightside said:
Im planning on having half a glass of Asti with my Christmas dinner... wouldn't be Christmas dinner without a glass of Asti :lol:

I second that luv :pray: :pray: I absolutely love asti its my total fave, still not sure whether to have any or not :think:
Each to there own but I had a glass off red on Saturday and really enjoyed it. I wouldn't have anymore than one unit and I will be having another glass on Christmas day!
MrsBrightside said:
Im planning on having half a glass of Asti with my Christmas dinner... wouldn't be Christmas dinner without a glass of Asti :lol:

couldn't of put it better myself!! hahaha :lol:

yeah i'll be having a glass probably

i was thinking the other day, if you had one glass of wine a week, how can it be worse then having a cup of coffee everyday for 9 months (which if under 300mg of caffiene per day) is considered ok
I was given a leaflet by my midwife that says that 2 units a week is safe. I don't really drink anyway but if i fancy a glass of wine now and again i can't see the harm.

I will have a glass of something over the xmas period its not like i am going to get drunk! Hicup!
I probably won't but not because I have any objectionsto the odd galss of wine while pregnant. I think I may have had a glass of Asti last Christmas day but nothing this year. Me and OH aren't really drinkers so we just never really have any around. I was on a diet as part of my new year's resolution and then fell pregnant and just haven't fancied alcohol. We will be going to my mum's for Christmas day (either heavily pregnant or with baby in tow) and my brothers and sisters (who are 17, 15, 13, 6 and 8 months) will probably just be having Shloer or something which is just like fizzy wine really and Neil will be driving so a sober Christmas all round. My mum and nan however will probably start on the sherry at about 9am and continue with Asti and Baileys until they fall asleep during the Queen's speech! :lol:

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