anyone had this?

mrs v

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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So I'm out shopping with my mum yest when I start getting wierd pains, kind of like when you have held bladder too long (but mine was empty) it sent shooting.type pains into foof, I sat down and it went away, it wasn't really painful, but noticeable, its fine now, do you think it was because we had done a lot if walking? Any other suggestions or just the beauty of pregnancy?
i get this allllll the time now when i'm walking, feels like i am suddenly bursting for the loo when i have literally just gone moments before leaving the house, i've put it down to LO's position as one time it happened while i was just sat watching tv so i raised my hips to "tip her out of my pelvis" so to speak and it eased off :) i also know its baby too as when i'm walking i can feel the sudden urge to pee and then moments later its gone and its like that the whole time while walking, just another joyous pregnancy ailment i think hun :) xx
Sounds like it could be round ligament pains! I'm getting the alot too
Thanks deedee, I was thinking allsorts, even imagined the Los hand or foot booting me down below...glad it sounds normal!

Round ligament pain, oh I wonder if thats it then, as long as its all normal!

Have a lovely sunday ladies, its awful here, duvet day for me ;-)
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It's awfull in the midlands too :( currently slobbing on sofa with OH and kids in pjs :)
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i get what i can only describe as a stitcj even when sitting sometimes like you say not painful but noticeable

dare i say the un is shining here in bonnie scotland but im stuck in cracking on with housework.........well i have been now im on here lol xx
I get this kind of pain when walking to, like i need the loo or like stitch. I have to stop for a min otherwise it's agony! x
I get this nearly every time I'm out & start walking, almost feels like your gonna do the biggest pee of your life & everything else will follow lol. Guessing it's just gravity taking its toll. Not sure about shooting pains though but mine around the foof area are connected to SPD. Xx
Thanks for replies ladies, its put my mind at rest that its normal! Def felt the shooting pains into foof, googled (I know I shouldnt) but seems a lot of women experience it, esp when stood/walking.

Made up, felt def flutters this morn yay! X
I always thought it was the babby really cushiniong itself on your bladder LOL
So I'm out shopping with my mum yest when I start getting wierd pains, kind of like when you have held bladder too long (but mine was empty) it sent shooting.type pains into foof, I sat down and it went away, it wasn't really painful, but noticeable, its fine now, do you think it was because we had done a lot if walking? Any other suggestions or just the beauty of pregnancy?

Had the exact same thing when I was shopping on Saturday. I'd just been quietly worrying since but so glad it's not just me! I'm only 15 weeks, I had no idea pregnancy would be so painful so early lol
So I'm out shopping with my mum yest when I start getting wierd pains, kind of like when you have held bladder too long (but mine was empty) it sent shooting.type pains into foof, I sat down and it went away, it wasn't really painful, but noticeable, its fine now, do you think it was because we had done a lot if walking? Any other suggestions or just the beauty of pregnancy?

Had the exact same thing when I was shopping on Saturday. I'd just been quietly worrying since but so glad it's not just me! I'm only 15 weeks, I had no idea pregnancy would be so painful so early lol

I feel like iv got a nerve in my belly and the baby is pressing it (and prob laughing whilst doing it) this morn I have woken up with a painful hip and achy legs :-( god knows what ill be like towards the end!!! I'm not complaining by the way lol ;-)
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I feel like iv got a nerve in my belly and the baby is pressing it (and prob laughing whilst doing it) this morn I have woken up with a painful hip and achy legs :-( god knows what ill be like towards the end!!! I'm not complaining by the way lol ;-)

That is literally what I had during Saturday night and most of yesterday. I felt like an old lady! Even a back rub didn't cure it, never before have I hobbled a bit lol

Hope the pain eases off for you during the day :)

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