Anyone got old family members that you want to be around for your bfp and birth?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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I mean my oh's grandma is quite old but ill, we have both have said how lovely it would be to get our bfp for when shes around, she would be over the moon, i spend a lot of time with her as im not working, cleaning and helping her and she knows we are ttc.. is anyone else in the same boat, kinda under pressure with it but still excited for her to be around!

Im not in the same situation but that is a lovely idea been as though you have spent so much time together x x
I was like that with my great nan, but unfortunately she passed away nearly a year ago :cry:

She did get to see the fifth generation though as my brother had a little girl last may.
I totally understand.. When we found out we were pregnant, OH's granny was very ill.. He was thinking that she wouldn't get to meet his child, but she did.. I hope your OH's gets to meet your LO too.. xx
A friend of mine was pregnant and her mum was dying. Her mum was desperate to know the sex of the baby but my friend and her OH didnt want to know, so at the 20 week scan the nurse wrote it down and they gave it to her mum so she knew, and they didnt. Unfortuntely she died before the baby was born but she died knowing the sex which i thought was lovely xx
I would like my grandmother to still be alive because she would give me a big wedge of cash if i had a baby! Ha ha, just kidding! Actually she would, but I have no doubt at all she will still be with us, she's fit as a fiddle at 82 and will go another 20 years I reckon. Love you grannie, don't want your money, would rather have you xx Oh and if we had a girl, we'd name her after you xx
aw thats nicee starfish :)
corr i dunno what id do without my mum having a baby, bet yuor friend rebecca was devastated but was lovely for her to know x
aw thats nicee starfish :)
corr i dunno what id do without my mum having a baby, bet yuor friend rebecca was devastated but was lovely for her to know x

I lost my mum nearly a year ago, very suddenly. To be honest, I am dreading going through pregnancy without her to help me, but I have brilliant family and friends to help me through.
The worst thing I think about is how much mum would have wanted to be here to help me and meet her grandchild when I get my bfp.
Aw Roo3, I'm so sorry to hear that. I find my mum a royal pain with all her advice, but maybe I shouldnt take her for granted so much. I know she will be so happy when I finally give her a much wanted grandchild. This thread has brought tears to my eyes (over emotional during period) and I'm going to go and ring her now and tell her i appreciate her xxxx
-Roo3 im really sorry about that, it must be hard, but like you said u have supportive family & friends, fingers crossed for a bfp for you soon!
-Starfish im sorry for upsetting you:( xxxx
Thats really cute idea, my friends mum was very ill with cancer but managed to fight until the baby was 4days old it makes me cry whenever i think bout it i dont know what i would do without my mum now let alone when i got a baby! x
That's really sweet to hear... I hope you fall pregnant soon so that your grandma can share in as much of your joy as possible. :)
This thread made me cry!

Id love my gran to still be around - shes 96 and doing ok so that would be fantastic.

I live in Singapore at the moment so other than OH dont really have any support round me.......i hope if i do get pregnant that my mum can come over when necessary as i cant imagine going through anything without her.

After reading some of the posts though does make you feel lucky for all you have - which is all too easy to lose sight of at times.

I really hope my grandma is around for my baby's birth. She is 88 but absolutely fit as a fiddle - nothing wrong with her mentally or physically. She is staying at my parents at the moment (just on a visit) and was there when we told them we are expecting. She is very excited so FX she will be with us to enjoy LO x
Aw yeah jodied that would be lovely!
Yeh it's a sad thread but I just wondered if everyone else felt the way I did, she isn't old at all, she's like 65, but has a few things wrong(heart problem) but I know she would love to be around and we would more than anything. My side of the family all seem fit and healthy so I've got no doubts they will be fine..I hope. Xxx
Sometimes sad threads are good. Like Lynseysg said, it makes us appreciate our family more. I usually find mine demanding and exhausting, and always loved that quote "God gave us friends to make up for our family", but actually when it came to our Wedding we took a concious decision to make it a family orientated day, inviting only our closest friends so we could have all our family on both sides. So I guess it is stuff like that and like having a baby when they become more important in our lives. I think this is a very good thread xx

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