Anyone got a slumber bear?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Have heard amazing things about them. Evie is brill at going down at night and sleeping through but daytime naps are becoming a bit of a nightmare, she really fights them, seems to have lost the ability to self settle and I don't think she sleeps as well as she could do as she startles herself awake and can't resettle very well.

I was wondering about trying a slumber bear but don't know if she is too old for this at 3 months? Thought if I could get her to associate it with the good sleeping at night I could then introduce it in the day for naps - like a Jedi mind trick!! Lol. How have other people found them??!
Ooh I was thinking about these as Harry is crap at going down.

Also saw a seahorse type thing on boots website that played a tube with a light that slowly dimmed. But I too wondered if Harry was too old?
I've had one from birth, initially used the womb noise which helped, now play the lullabies which are also soothing. Lo now associates the sound with sleep. If it broke I'd buy another x
I have one. Wouldn't be without it.

I quite like the classical music.
Mind you the waterfall / rainfall sounds just makes me wanna pee :D
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I don't actually use the bear, I just Velcro the little box to the crib bars. Lol. It comes with a silk comforter too which you can use to put your scent on :)
^^^^ yep same here, bear is in cot, gizmo is hung up on cot so that it comes on when there's movement :)
WE used it a lot when h was tiny but he doesnt get fooled any more tbh. Also ours didnt really pick up noise very well so it was just motion activated so we had to keep kicking the bear to set it off, this was ok when he was in with us but now he has his own room we cant do it really!!
My ds has a gloworm and he still loves it at 21 mths I want to get a seahorse this time round depending what the baby is!!
we have one and its brilliant! i had the same problem that he sleeps well and self settles at night but wouldnt sleep through the day in his crib and having that on does the trick! one of the best gifts we got! :)
Tinker bell have you heard good things about the seahorse?
Think I'll invest! Although is 3 months too old to start using it? Nurse 26 when did you start using it?
about 6 weeks i think! no harm in giving it a go!

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