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Anyone got a Birthing Ball?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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My dad brought a gym ball home from work yesterday for me as at my parentcraft class they said that they were just as good - just wondered how many of you have one?

I dont have one but was thinking of buying one. Have you tried it yet?

S. xx
Yeah have had a little bounce around this morning :lol: didn't do much but then again I have no pain :lol:

God I wish I could say I had no pain!! :pray:

I had such a bad night last night - could not get comfy in bed! I'm sure the little one is using my rib cage as hanging bars!! :doh: :doh:

Ah, it'll be worth it in the end!! I can't wait!! Still starting to panic tho as it's coming so quickly!!

S. xx

I had/have a gym ball & spent most of my time sitting on that rather than the sofa. It was a real help, easing the pain in my back,hips,groin etc.
One good thing about those balls is it encourages the baby get in the right position for birth & is a good way of getting some gentle excercise.

Well recommend them.

Nicki.x :D
I had a birthing ball with both mine, i loved it i used it to labour with as well.

In pregnancy it helps you to keep your pelvis open to encourage the baby to move down, (its the way you sit on the with your legs open!)
During labour they were fantastic to roll about on during a contraction, i was leant on the bed sat upright, it helps baby move down but also i got a horrible heavy pressure feeling towards the end and sitting on the ball eased that as it didn't feel like my bits were going to fall off!!

I would recommend one
I know this is a stupid question but i'm allowing myself to ask stupid things simply because my brain has gone to mush since being pregnant!

What exactly do you do on the birthing ball? Obviously I knwo you sit on it and use it for labour etc but can anyone explain the how's and whys' etc to me please?!! I've got a gym ball and would like to try it for comfort/labour etc but don't know where to start!

Tan x
I didnt have a birthing ball but i had an adult space hopper that i used instead :oops: !

its good to help your posture i the later stages of pregnancy and helps get baby down as someone else said.

i used the proper hospital one too and its was much firmer!!

Tan best thing i found in labout was to sit on it (with a little help!) and during a contraction you move your hips in a circle. also you can get your birth partner to massage your lower back while you do this and i found that was good too.

sadly they only let me on it for a about half an hour for a break from the bed as alex had already had a motion before my waters broke so i was stuck on the bed with a montitor attached :(

Bought one, was too scared to use it coz of the pin in the middle keeping the air in! I was scared it would explode and make a new hole in my bum! :shock: Heard they are great though :lol:
Sarah when I said I have no pain, I meant labour pain!! I have got incredible pressure pain down below and my back aches all the time!!

I have been sitting on my ball watching home and away this lunch time and it does make a difference. I am also taking the raspberry leaf tea capsules giving everything a go!!

try when you are sat on it moving your self in a circluar movement it will help your back or move forward and backwards. I tryed very thing when i was due cos i was in slow labour for a week and a half.
I have heard loads about these balls... so many people recommend them.. where can I get one?? We had a gym one that my OH uses alot for stretching but the cat jumped on it and it exploded [and the cat bolted 12 ft into the air in fright!!] :shock:

Anything that helps with back ache is worth trying for me!!
Yeah I want one to.

Lindsay, where did you get your raspberry leaf capsules from as I dont fancy drinking the tea?

i used one when i was in labour with beth i cant say it really did anything for me though
i can't see me teetering on that in the throws of labour let me tell you! :lol: ive got one and so far the kids have loved it! :dance:
anna marie - sorry but i've just nearly wet myself thinking of your cat flying through the air...

i've got a gym ball.. haven't blown it up yet - come to think about how do i blow it up? do you think the air in a garage would do it? i can't see it taking away labour pains (or easing them) but hay!!! i'll give anything a go when the time comes.

i know it seems silly but it did help me - only used it for a bit as i said and cant see it doing much in the later stages but certainly in the earlier parts. :D

i'm afraid its not exactly the key to a painless labour (thats an epidural!!) but its strangely comfortable - and trust me lying on a bed in labour is not so the more you can be up and about the better!

Em78 said:
I didnt have a birthing ball but i had an adult space hopper that i used instead :oops: !

LOL, cool, can I come round your house and have a hop? I had one when I was a kid and loved it, didn't know they did adult ones! :lol: (I'll PM you either later tonight or tomorrow hun)

Eveadel, I got my rasberry leaf capsules from Holland & Barratt (didn't do a thing for me though, unfortunately :(

Anna Marie, I got my gym ball from Boots. i know that Argos do them really cheaply too.

Sami, nearly pee'd my pants reading your post :lol:

Nicki.x :D
Eveadel - i've just picked up some raspberry leaf pills from holland and barratt - do you know what the difference is between leaf and leaves.. (sounds like a stupid question) but one bottle said raspberry leaves and the other said raspberry leaf... the leaf tablet was smaller but stronger... so you don't think they did anything for you? i'm going to start taking mine at 32 weeks when did you start?

I think I might give these raspberry leaf capsules a try, do they taste horrible?

I'd love a birthing ball but it's one more thing to find space for in the house. I'm going to concentrate on some yoga moves for labour instead which help bring the baby into an optimal position for birth so the book says.

I hope I'll be able to keep mobile during labour but it'll all depend on whether I can survive without an epidural.

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