Anyone for another baby?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Has anyone got a time frame in mind for another baby?

Me and OH *might* have one more. :cheer: I'd definitley have one but it'll be up to him :lol:
Ideally I would start trying in about July/ August, to get a summer baby.

We've said when Jamie turns 2 then we'll start trying for another but I think we'll probably start trying before that as I want a sring/summer baby too, but saying that, that would mean starting to try at the end of this year & i don't think i'll be able to cope.
The thought of pregnancy & labour is scaring the pants off me & Jamie's is still to fresh in my mind, don't know what to do really, not getting any younger! :think:
Would love another one but OH not sure yet - not ruled it out but not ruled it in. Want to start trying about november/december time.

I think I will have 'persuaded' him by then :wink:
Me and the Oh are in the mits of bd'ing for another and im due to test in 8 days time so im keeping my fingers crossed :D Good luck to us all ladies for when we get a BFP or when we start bd'ing for another -xxxx- :D -xxx-
Yes, we're thinking Juneish too as that's when my OH finishes his studies, it'll mean at least a 2 1/2 year gap which is the same as between me and my brother and like you say a Spring/Summer baby with any luck! In the first year after having Mel I was constantly broody but that has really gone now! I enjoy being with Mel so much now though and I can see how it's just going to get better and better and I want him to have siblings and us to have a nice busy family house. I won't lie and say that the first year was easy though and the first 6 months and the thought of pregnancy put me off BUT I can see what a small part of your life that is really! I always used to want 4 kids, the jury is still out on 4 but 2 for sure (will see how I go first!!). I am childminding my neice once a week now and she is 6 months to Mel's 14 and it's like an incredible juggling act but doable! When they're older I think it will be fab to have lots but I'm not getting any younger either (31) so we'll have to see!

I think we will but dont know when we will try. Im 33 next week and I know woman are having babies alot older now, abit worried Im to old :? :?
we are ttc no2 - was hoping for a 18 month gap but ewan is 18 months soo, and nothing as yet. if we've not had another by the time ewan is three then we will just stick with ewan, i dont want him to be on his own, but i dont want a huge gap between kids as i do want to go back to vet nursing but each yr that passes everythin is changing!!
We would love another baby, but once Mia is walking and out of nappies-so may start trying in November/December?

Amy xx
i want another baby. but i feel i am blessed anough i have 1 of each and both healthy. spina bifida runs in my family my mum had a stillborn and so have others in the family. so i dont want to push it :?

but im not one for planning times and dates to start ttc just when the times feels right i will stop taking my pill
Like Dionne when the time is right i will stop my pill,don't have a clue when,but hopefully in a couple of years :D ,being on this foum really makes me broody though :doh: :D xx
we're going to strat ttc from the 13th Jan 2008, :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: its my 21st on the 12th and i would like to be able to celebrate properly so dont want to be pregnant, also there would be at least a 2 year age gap between them and thats what i wanted, mind you if anything happened before i wouldnt mind Alfie is fantastic (most of the time) if i could have a football team just like him i would. Ian still goes white at the prospect of ttc, but when we were this time he didnt really have a choice so he knows he doesnt next time :rotfl: :rotfl:
me and OH are having a problem remembering to use a condom??!! :doh:
im trying for another baby i think he just wants to feel something :rotfl:

we havent really talked about it though its a bit of a taboo, i keep hinting, then he says something like aww did you see that baby oh i want one that small and we keep going on like that. i dont wanna ask him straight in case he says no, if we carry on like this then hopefully...... we never not use anything ever so i think hes ok about ttc. when we started trying for nathan he was all coy about it too so i just dont know

so anyway i guess were are ttc number 2 i think kind of hopefully :wall:
nikki1306 said:
Like Dionne when the time is right i will stop my pill,don't have a clue when,but hopefully in a couple of years :D ,being on this foum really makes me broody though :doh: :D xx

Im broody already and my little man is only 5 weeks old!

Is this normal? :rotfl:
nikki1306 said:
Like Dionne when the time is right i will stop my pill,don't have a clue when,but hopefully in a couple of years :D ,being on this foum really makes me broody though :doh: :D xx

Im broody already and my little man is only 5 weeks old!

Is this normal? :rotfl:

i was mega brrody from about 4 weeks it must be a procreation thing. :D
i hope it's normal cause i would luv to do it again now :lol: xx
Me and dh have talked about it. I would love to start trying now but we decided last year we would try after our first wedding anniversary. Also it's coming up to my 21st birthday and like Alfie'smummy I want to celebrate :lol: So after the 20th April watch this space :wink:
Jaidy said:
Im broody already and my little man is only 5 weeks old!

Is this normal? :rotfl:

Me too. I only had Daniel six weeks ago. I can't believe I want another, I certainly wasn't saying that during delivery!
I'm hoping to start trying next January. It took me nearly 2 and half years to get pregnant, hopefully I won't need as long next time.

How exciting so many of you are going to be TTC this year i wish everyone loads of baby dust and hurry up and join the rest of us :D
I hadent took anything after i had Kiara and it took me 8 months to get pregnant.

i would love another in a years time, but after this pregnancy, i want to enjoy alice before i run the risk of another 3rd tri like the last one. im sick of the ruddy hospital!!!

i was saying 4 years, but i won't last that long! lol

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