Anyone else's baby a hungry baby???


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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since Ruby was born, she has ate every couple of hours, she is now on a 5oz bottle every 2-3 hours although when she sleeps she can go a good 6 hours without a feed.

Is anyone else's baby a hungry baby like this??? i know they are supposed to loose weight in the first week but Ruby put it on lol.

congratulations!!! how did i miss Ruby's birth announcement!!

My friends little boy was like this, dont worry about it, she'll take as much as she needs and some babies are hungrier than others...Isla has only just started taking a 5oz bottle, cos she eats like a wee sparrow.

6 hours is great too, long may it continue!
Wow 6 hours is fab hun, hope it carries on that way. Dont worry about the feeding hun, she will eat as much as she needs :hug: :hug:
yep Riley's a wee brute!! he takes about 6oz of sma white every 3 hours or so :shock:

Congrats by the way! :hug:
Ahhh babies just eat what they need so don't worry and go with it. I used to worry cos my little girl was eating 6/7oz a feed every 3/4 hours at one month old. She now has 4/5 10oz bottles a day on C&G number 2. She was born quite big and is a big baby now at just shy of 21lb. The upside of them eating so much is that they sleep through the night easily, well in my (very lucky) experience anyway!
Amber is the same! She didn't lose any of her birth weight, she just keeps putting it on! And she is on 7oz every 3 hours. Just go with what she tells you really, sounds like your doing a fab job hun :hug: And lucky you getting 6 hours sleep every night!
Megan was the same, she was only 6lbs 8oz when she was born but by 3 weeks she was wanting 6oz every 2.5hrs, eventually, against what the hv said we moved her on to SMA White, the hungry baby stuff. Straight away we noticed a difference and that has lasted until about now, she is slowly reducing the amount of time between feeds :? probably be ready for weaning in a month or so
Lola-Mae is the same! She wants feeding every two hours unless we are out or its night time then she will go 5-6 hours!

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