Anyone else ......


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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really hot??? its not that walm here today its been raining and its overcast but im red hot... I get busy doing something and then I get a hot flush and I cant carry on lol

any1 else like this????
i know im abit further than you but ive been getting lots of hot flushes latley and its not been really hot here either
Ive been getting hot flushes the last couple of weeks, have to stand infront of a fan at work for ages to cool myself down! Looked in my book though that the hospital gave me and apparently its common!
yes, im normally freezing cold, so have been getting very weird looks today as ive had my air con on full blast all day! I am having a total overheat!
Well you are in sunny sunderland :rotfl:

I'm feeling quite warm, which i'm glad as it looks like my infection might be going - last week and the week before i was roasting! this i can handle.
just took it 37.2, i'm now a temp addict :)
yep same here im hot all the time , at work i have to keep going to the canteen to get cups n cups of water as i feel so dehydrated :hug:
hope you dont mind me butting into your Tri :lol:

i am CONSTANTLY hot, its driving me insane!! yesterday at work i was soooo hot i could see red marks on my face :lol: its awful and i have to wear vest tops and slip on shoes, even if its raining/cold because i get so hot - i have got the fan on at work now!!!
thank god its not just me, no matter what I wear im too hot, sat about last night in my pants and a vest top :lol:
yeah its a pain in the bum as since im only 7 weeks on friday, and appear to be starting to show already i was hoping for freezing cold weather so i cud wear big chunky jumpers to hide the fact!
I totally know what you mean .... am just thankful that I wont be pregnant in the summer next year!!
Sunflower said:
I totally know what you mean .... am just thankful that I wont be pregnant in the summer next year!!

here here :lol: id hate to have a big bump and it be red hot outside!!
I am really hot too and I am so glad it will be winter time when I have a bump.

When I was pregnant with Gabs we had that heatwave of 36 degrees; it was unbearable.

Hugs to everyone :hug:

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