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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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In The mornings I'm not goin sick, I just have really loose stool (sorry TMI) n a pain in my belly! Is thus normal? I've been having it most days! Could it be from all the fruit I'm eating? Or am I not eating enough carby things?

I'm trying to eat as best as I can brown bread etc and I'm trying to lay off The crisps but I can't it's my face snack!! Has anyone got a good substitute?? I'm craving salty things atm xx
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pretzels? it probably is all the fruit hun, sugar and citrus acid etc.
more than likely all the fruit babe try and leave of some of it if you can xxx
Dont worry about it. Like the girls said, its probably the fruit - maybe try to cut down on it a wee bit. Eat some binding things like eggs. Dont worry about the crisps - if thats what your body wants then its fine.

Are you taking pregnacare? Iron can cause what you are describing, it does to me and the pregnacare contains iron. x
Wow I never thought pregnacare!! I took it last night as I only have 1-2 times a week! If I have a poor nutrition day!

Now my legs are wobbly feel like I can't stand up for long! All these symptoms! Thank goodness I'm off for a week now! :)

Thanks for ur replies! :) might try pretels or rice cakes with Philly! U are allowed Philly I hope it does say made with pasteurized milk!!


Ps has anyone been getting mucus and like a pulling sensation by ur bellybutton? And lots of sneezing!!! We should have a thread for symptoms!!
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I had awful trouble with my IBS in the first few weeks untill i figured out what new things kicked it off , Doc said it is quite common for IBS to flair up druing pg so id cut down on the fruit and em gas releasing veg lol

also could be just me but rice cakes defo make me very sick
im the opposite....pregnacare has calmed by ibs down x
Oh great love Philly!! :) hmmm maybe chill out on the veg then! I had veg soup aswell!! Haha xx
Strange! Maybe I've got too much iron in my system!! How are u samsgirl xx
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feel sea sick constantly and tonight feel like i am going to full of trapped in a nutshell, feel pants but it is all good xx
It's alllllllll good hun :) it's good signs! That all I do is fart my oh doesn't even look up any more!! Haha! The joys! But it will be worth it :) xx
well i normally do...but they are stuck tonight. lol xx

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