Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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I know theres quite a few of us all around the same time, so just wondered if anybody had started getting a bit crampy?

Its happened a few times now over the past few days, it just feels like period type cramps. I havn't had any braxton hicks or anything, so Im not worried, just curious really.

Ive started to get more pressure 'down there' as well, which the midwife said would probably happen.

Like I say, Im not worried about it, but just wondered if this is going to be things all setting up ready for birth ect. I think it'd be nice if baby came on time!
I've been getting nothing, no sign that bubs is getting ready to come yet:sad:

By what your experiencing, def sounds like your headed in the right direction! :yay:
Ive got my 36 week appointment on tuesday so im hoping the midwife will tell me she's moved down a little bit. Last time she was 'on the brim' and im hoping she's moved a little this week.

I keep hoping if I get little niggles here and there then maybe theres a chance she'll be on time but I know that people can go days over their due date even though theyve been crampy and sore for weeks.

Babies...they just make us wait too long!!!!

Had the midwife said whether your LO has started to move down at all, or is he/she still 'free'?
I've had BH from about 20 weeks so I tend to ignore them as a "sign". Although the other night I was having really bad stretching and dropping pains in the night.
My bump is definately lower. The bum shape stretched into the front of my clothes is now in the wrong place lol!
My babe still free but in the right direction - been having bh for ages and always seem to have more in the evenings - but that could be because i notice them more when relaxing!
See I havnt had any BH. I dont think I will tbh. Just cramping, but my bump doesnt go solid or anything.

Cant wait till july/august. Such a busy month for due dates :D

amyjayne- i looked in the mirror today and my bump had gone lower (didnt stay that way for long lol) and you could see babys bottom sticking up at the top. They just push themselves right to the front!

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