anyone else thinking about this

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Since I found out last week that I'm pregnant, majority of my thoughts have been focussed on the financial aspect of having a baby... I'm a makeup artist getting my career to a start, I'm going to put a hold on that now....anyone else worried abt the same problem, I've been doing my maths and trying to work out how much of my bills I can clear, how much I can save up bla bla bla it goes on forever :'(

i did the same, we were trying for 15months, so kinda were preparing sorta.

but im the kind of person that if i had really sat down and looked at the figures... would never of been able to afford to have a baby, lol

good luck,and look into directgov's website to what extra help & things ur entitled too

Don't worry, it's amazing what you can cut down to and cut out when you put your mind to it. There is really never a right time moneywise tok have a baby. You can get all your stuff (great quality still ) second hand or near new and look out for a bargain etc You really don't need to spend the values they say you have to when you have a baby. Carears can be put on hold and go again when your ready, you will want it soo much more too you will make it work! congrats and good luck Hun X
I agree with jj mum!
I don't think there's ever a right time financially to have a baby unless you're a millionaire haha!
I've surprised myself and for the first time in my adult life have saved quite a bit. I've never been able to save for anything. It's amazing how you change and how much your priorities change. You can get lots of really good second hand stuff and people want to give you so much - I've found this already and I'm 15 weeks.
I think we all worry about lots of things while we're pregnant and never stop after baby arrives. It's totally natural :)
Good luck with your pregnancy!!!! :)

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i also worry about this because i dont want this to be the end of my life just because im havign a baby, i want to be a fab mummy but also be able to to do things as a couple and for myself too and money is going to be very tight!

I guess if you really try and put your mind to anything then its possible x
youre not alone! i havent exactly got the best financial situation at all really. I just get told "youll manage" so i kinda believe that! i make full use of my boots advantage card and tesco clubcard and with points buy baby stuff! it really does help. im keeping my boots points for when baby is born and i may need an emergency supply of nappies or something!
Youll be fine, and when you know you have to make cut backs you kinda do, its all doable. x
This is on my mind all of the time too. At the moment i am in Uni, i had a part time job but the shop was taken over by another company and eventually shut down. Haven't found anything since so apart from savings at the moment im completley reliant on OH. He says this is his job to look after us both and is trying to put me off finding another part time job because im getting stressed just with uni as it is. Im just gonna hold out till my 12 week scan and decide on what action to take next then! xxx

Flexilexi, good idea!! Im gonna start doing that with my boots and clubcard too! Thanks xxx
thats what my husband says 'we'll manage' ... i do hope so coz i want to move into our own house...i guess i dont need to buy any fancy shoes/boots for a i will be saving with not going shopping (i do alot of that) i used to spend lot on eating out/take outs and same at work, but i just dont feel like having that anymore so guess il be saving from that aswell.... im confused about how maternity pay works out tho
I got everything for my house and bump for free or cheap second hand, carboots, charity shops etc... it's amazing what you can save and do without when you put ur mind to it. xXx (I saved a small fortune not smoking or drinking lol)
i have raped ebay and gumtree too, there great for pickin up bargains,

im thinking of selling my unworn coats/boots/jeans etc on ebay as theres no way ill be fitting into those again, cant fit in them now :(... that can go in baby fund :) what do u think? will people buy it?
Go for it! I would infact I have 2 drawers fill of clothes and shoes that I have ordered in 2 sizes in the past but never got round to sending what I don't want (in some things the same thing 2x) back! Oops. I keep meaning to sort it out. I'm sure people would buy them on eBay, I've bought stuff off there in the past! Good idea I'm gonna look into doing this too xxxx

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