anyone else taking rasberry leaf (tea/tablets)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I started taking the tablets at 35 weeks when the babies head engaged. I don't feel any different (apart from really sharp pains down below) I stopped taking them this week when a farmasist told me i shouldn't be taking any herbal tablets as they've never been tested... he scared me so i stopped taking them even thou it was my MW who said get on the rasberry leaf at 35 weeks... i've tried looking on the net for some info about what it actually does and all i can find is that it doesn't start labour but helps to soften the cervix which in turn should help you dilate quicker.. but this isn't proven.

what do you think? am i being paranoid? should i start taking them again or do you think they're a waste of time?

i took it with my last baby and i swear by it.
It a refreshing drink and i really think it made my labour easier. You may not feel it but its working. It primes your uterus to contract. I took it loads in the last two weeks. My labour was quick and a lot less painful contractins too.
oh good - just the reply i wanted to hear!!! i'm back on them.... :) :) :)

It might not bring on labour but I definately feel a discomfort down below but its not intense enough to be a contraction.

Im taking the tea from holland barrat which I think I had read was stronger. I will probably go for about 3-4 glasses a day but then I actually do like the taste but not everyone does.

I know its silly trying to bring labour on as Im having a section but I just want it as soon as possible. I dont think 3 days before my due date was a realistic section date for baby 2. If I go into labour at home im going to stay at home as long as possible and see how far on I am when I get in.

Go get some, join the club!!!!!!!!
im drinking the tea from holland and barratt too, i have to agree with budge didnt know anything about it when i was pregnant with kurt (very painful 13hour labour!) started taking it at 36 weeks when i was pregnant with beth ( easy labour! 45mins in total went from not dialated to giving birth in 20mins!) i swear by the stuff :dance:
Tea or tablets? What's better?

I haven't bought any yet as it's till too early for me, so want to know what's the best so I don't waste my money.
I got the tablets from holland and barratt - i think they cost about £6 or £7. You take 2 tablets 3 times a day... i started at 35 weeks and ran out about a week ago....


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