Anyone else still not showing much?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I am a size 14 and carried a little bit of tummy weight anyway so my bump isn't really showing. I can certainly feel something harder rather than it all being soft like before and am getting some movement but I really don't look pregnant yet.

Am nearly 20 weeks and was convinced I'd be showing more by now :(
its so frustratrating when it your first you want to bloom and have a huge bump and it will come babe with my dd i didnt show till about 6months+ but once i did i was huge
It is a bit frustrating but I can wait as long as bubs is ok. The scan next Thursday will set my mind at ease that all is well and bub is growing well.
Dont worry...soon youll bloom into a beautiful moaning pregnant lady with a big old belly :)

I didnt show for ages...for example...this was me at 23w and 6d. Now I feel huge...itll just come out of no where! :lol:


  • 23w6dbump.jpg
    36.9 KB · Views: 3
That makes me feel much better- I am similar to that now- perhaps slightly smaller. There is hope for me yet! ;)
Although it's much earlier days for me, you can hardly see anything. Infact, my collegues today were saying I don't even look remotely pregnant, it's only the big boobs that are a clue.

Like you say Annie, I thought I would be showing more by now.
it wont be long lovely i know with my first it wasnt till after my 20 week that i looked like there was a baby in there!!
thanks hun, i just want a bump! *stamps feet impatiently*

I'm sure i'll be moaning near the end how massive I feel so I know I should try and enjoy the way I am at the moment!

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