Anyone else starving ALL the time??

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Its getting beyond a joke now...I woke at 6am and had to get up for a massive bowl if rice krispies and toast..and now I am STARVING again..

Lost my appetite for last few weeks, but its come back BIG time this week...OH thinks its hilarious, my sis says I am like pac man, munching everything in my way. :oops:

Anyone else ravenous (sp?) ????

Normally when I am so excited and nervous, I cant eat :think:
ooo im like that lol. and if i dont eat i feel sick :( so i have to eat
My tummy is grumbling so loudly at the mo, s*d it I am off to raid the cupboards.....
Zoe im starving all the time i could eat a scabby horse im always that hungry!! :lol:
yep me too.
Spending a fortune on burger king.
Not too bad until we get in the place then
i HAVE to get served as soon as possible
READY TO RIP SOMEONES HEAD OFF :twisted: :twisted:
Wait until you start breastfeeding, it makes me so hungry, my rumbling tummy wakes me up! I am cramming food in my mouth whenever I have a spare second!

Not long to go Zoe! It is going to be really strange when Monday comes around as that was Jacob's due date as well! I can't imagine him not being here now, it feels like forever! Still can't believe he made me miss my last 6 weeks of pregnancy!!!
maybe its ur bod telling u to get some calories in for your energy levels for labour ;)

i was like this couple of weeks ago, but my appetite has GONE recently :( not impressed... haha
ive bought myslef a presetn for after i pop, there like EXTREME bridget jones' knickers, so i can try and lose the weight and in the meantime i cna wear these for special occasions, and show off my "miraculous weightlosss"

lozzijane said:
ive bought myslef a presetn for after i pop, there like EXTREME bridget jones' knickers, so i can try and lose the weight and in the meantime i cna wear these for special occasions, and show off my "miraculous weightlosss"


:rotfl: i want some!!
I was like that in third tri i COULDNT stop i have gone from a 10 to a 16 :oops: im now doing the special k two week challenge :D
cassi said:
I was like that in third tri i COULDNT stop i have gone from a 10 to a 16 :oops: im now doing the special k two week challenge :D

i dread to think what size ive become.... :cry:
lozzijane said:
cassi said:
I was like that in third tri i COULDNT stop i have gone from a 10 to a 16 :oops: im now doing the special k two week challenge :D

i dread to think what size ive become.... :cry:

Me too, I was a size 10 pre pregnancy and I look at all my old jeans longingly hoping il get back into them one day!

I think ive gone up a fair few dress sizes put it that way, but its all worth it for our LO
I dont feel full, and just had a fair bit to eat! :shock:
Have spent the morning cleaning like a woman possessed though, so I have probably burnt off the HUGE brekkie I had this morning...

Right, going to raid the chrimbo choccies now....
Right, I am going to KILL OH..he has raided my box of After Eights, and left all the empty wrappers in there.. :twisted:

Right, WAR..I have opened his precious tin of Quality Street and I am picking out all the caramel swirls (his favourite) and stuffing them in my fat gob

Ha ha bloody ha :rotfl:
zoe c said:
Right, I am going to KILL OH..he has raided my box of After Eights, and left all the empty wrappers in there.. :twisted:

Right, WAR..I have opened his precious tin of Quality Street and I am picking out all the caramel swirls (his favourite) and stuffing them in my fat gob

Ha ha bloody ha :rotfl:

You evil woman hahahaahahahahah!!!

Cleaning like a mad woman eh.........sounds promising!
I have even washed down the skirting boards :shock:
Hope this is a good sign :pray:
zoe c said:
I have even washed down the skirting boards :shock:
Hope this is a good sign :pray:

I reckon your baby is being good and will come before mine!!

Next time I get pregnant (if there is a next time lol) im not focusing too much on my due date, its getting my hopes up too much!
Girls eat way while you have a good excuse :lol:

I do agree with Lynsey when I first started breastfeeding I couldn't believe how hungry I'd get and also as soon as Lo is latched on I get so thirsty. I would definitely reccommend bresatfeeding if you can as the weight does come off fast though I think these last pounds I'd like to shed will cling on until I give the BF up
skatty said:
Girls eat way while you have a good excuse :lol:

I do agree with Lynsey when I first started breastfeeding I couldn't believe how hungry I'd get and also as soon as Lo is latched on I get so thirsty. I would definitely reccommend bresatfeeding if you can as the weight does come off fast though I think these last pounds I'd like to shed will cling on until I give the BF up

I saw your post baby tum the other day Katt, and you look gorgeous, a great advert for breast feeding!

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