anyone else sleepy in the day, but waking up in the middle of the night?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Since week 5/6 i have been soooo tired and drained of energy in the day time, but then waking up at 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am 7am etc etc..... it is driving me mad!!
I tried staying awake until as late as possible and then going to sleep, but still woke up with the birds!!

Is it just me? or is this a symptom?

any hints or tips?

my body clock is totally out of sync!!!
I'm with you on the exhaustion bit but I dunno about waking up at night? Do you nap in the day which could affect your night's sleep?x
I had this and it drove me mad!

Did not matter what time I went to bed I would still wake hourly from 2am - it does get better hun hang in there.

Apparently it happens due to all the crazy hormones x
Snap, it's mad. Grrr also can't get back to sleep after the 8am wake up, (been on holiday so sods law I an actually lie in) back to work on Tues tho where I guarantee I still won't be able to get up for my 7am start! lol.
I haven't found a caure, just putting up with it I suppose! x
Same here!! Really weird, thought it was just me!! I don't normally have bad nights sleep but waking up restless in the middle of the night sucks! Its probably mother natures way of us experiencing the restless nights we,ll be having early!! Hope it eases up soon for us all!
:nap:Definitely feeling your pain! I can hardly keep my eyes open by 10pm but can't seem to get more than 5 or 6 hours sleep. I've been putting it down to subconcious being in overdrive because of the constant worry
Ive always been like that in my pregnancies... its a nightmare when you've got a little one to look after! It's a cycle of napping in the day and wide awake at 2.30 am lol.

It did pass for a bit though in 2nd tri xxx
i had this is tri1 - along with a few quite scary dreams too. go to bed as normal but woke up every hour pretty much through till 4am, then i'd get some actual sleep only to be rudely interupted by my alarm at 7 for work. It seems to pass after i had the scan tho so it much be worry / hormones. Don't get me wrong i'm still not sleeping through but thats as i have to get up to wee every night now :P

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