Anyone else in this much pain with their boobs


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Good open line eh?

well I am suffering like mad they are agony,the pain is crippling me,it seems worse at night in bed and yes I am wearing a well supported maternity bra I have been fitted for,can someone please shed some light on this please for suggestions that may ease the pain.......
i remember in early pregnancy feeling like crying everytime someone bumped into my boobs, its crappy uhh, does get better tho :)
mine are hurting really bad too hun and have been since before i found out i was pg :shock: i dread anyone bumping them xxxx
yeah i can't bear them being bumped, am still wearing underwired bra as find this the most comfortable. :think:
Mine were really sore......I wore my bra in bed which helped a lot, is that what you are doing too?! Sorry didn't know if you just meant you are wearing the right bra during the day?!

The good news is, they are starting to feel a whole lot better now!! :hug: xx
Hey, hope now that a couple of weeks have passed your boobs have settled down a bit! Just had to reply, as I suffered the same thing, felt like someone was stabbing me everytime I moved and I must have woken up a dozen times in the night every time I rolled over ;)

Most bras didn't help, but my saviours were the Shock Absorber bras I already had from going to the gym, and tesco hidden support vests for bed. The bras meant NOTHING moved even an inch, and the vests just gave a bit of extra support. Mind you, when I took them off in the morning before my shower the pain came flooding back...!


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