Anyone else having the weirdest dreams!??


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Aug 12, 2006
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Hi All, Is anyone having really weird dreams in their 1st tri? Mine are totally off the wall. Last night I dreamt my skin was see through and falling off and you could see inside my body and I had to hold the baby in my tummy. I was getting rushed to hospital to have my body wrapped up to keep the baby from falling out! So gruesome and weird! :shock:
i had alot of weird dreams in the first tri! one of them was my other half cheating and i would wake up in a really bad mood with him lol
Yes - me too.
I'm having very realisitc ones - I sometimes get confused as to what really happened and what was just a dream!
hevwithbump said:
i had alot of weird dreams in the first tri! one of them was my other half cheating and i would wake up in a really bad mood with him lol

I had a similar dream last night that Matt had been having it away with hookers that had a brothel next door to his work, very weird.

Although have had some sexy dreams about Charlie from Corrie, and I hardly ever watch it!

When I was pg with Ella I had a dream over and over that my skin was melting and I was dying, my belly was hanging near the floor and I could see her exact shape through it :puke:

You wait til after you've had your bub and you keep dreaming they're in bed with you under the covers and you wake up searching for them!
I have been having very weird dreams.......some I have I wake myself up laughing, others, I just wanna cry about :cry: :cry: Other's I can cope with, but talk about vivd :shock:

Weird innit?! xx
yes totally infact too many to mention and they are so vivid, i feel i could write a book!! :lol:
I have had a few dreams where I have lost the baby, has anyone else had these, they are quite upsetting!
I had really weird dreams in the beginning the most memorable one was when the football world cup was on.

I dreamt that for every positive pregnancy test it was an england ticket to next world cup game, i had a q of men outside my house and there was a cheer with every positive.

Weird thing is i'm scottish!! :cheer:
I had some very wierd dreams when pregnant with Damien, sick, wierd, freaky, scary and often saucy ones! :oops: :lol:

With this pregnancy, before I found out (all I have had are dreams about having a little girl, being pregnant , giving birth early again, rushing to hospital and trying to find hospitals coz im in labour and I'm out. Very wierd! Thought I was only dreaming about having a baby coz I wanted one! but they have stopped since I found out I'm pg :think:
my goodness rach thats so sad! the opposite is said to be true though so you're ok xxx :hug:
Sami said:
I had some very wierd dreams when pregnant with Damien, sick, wierd, freaky, scary and often saucy ones! :oops: :lol:

I have had some very saucy ones, no wonder I was addicted to "cuddles" since my BFP!! :oops: :lol:
rach said:
i keep dreaming my mums dead :cry: xxx

Awwwww that is awful hun......but it is true, they say reverse your dream! :cheer: xx
Yeah ive had some strange ones..last night was my teeth fell out!? B4 was stuff like OH cheating and id wake up and hit him lol!
Had dreams of baby not surviving birth which is awful and scary! I hate dreams like that! Wake up crying all the time!
I dream my dad dies without me knowing (he lives in Lanzarote-there would be no way for us to know!) and i cry and call him at 4am lol just to check!
My nan might have cancer again so i keep dreaming of her getting teary just typing it!!
I hate dreams!! They mess with ur head!!! :cry:
Saucy ones are welcome in my bed any night of the week tho! :wink:

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