Anyone else having scan tomorrow?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Finallyyyy I've got my scan tomorrow :cheer: :cheer: after waiting what feels like forever!

I'm excited and anxious all at the same time!! I ov'd late so I'm expecting they might put me back a bit so im not going into 2nd tri until I find out. Well hubby and i have also decided to find out the gender but I guess they can't tell you until your 20 weeks?? I hope everythings fine with the bubba, ive had zero spotting and heaps of sickness and really looking forward to rest of pregnancy being a little less :puke:
I have mine on Monday. I think they willl put me back too as i o'd late.
Good luck with yours, do you get a picture too?
My mate found out her gender on the 12 week scan by the spine and how low it is? Its 80% accurate but then they know more on the 20 week scan.
Thanks, I hope that I can get a pic tomorrow girlygirl, if not I'll go mental :x As for the gender thing, well I never heard of being able to tell with the spine!!!
Yes my scan is tommorow too at 2:40pm!!!!! We can compare notes afterwards!
kellysomer said:
Yes my scan is tommorow too at 2:40pm!!!!! We can compare notes afterwards!

Yippee.. sitting and waiting to hear from you Kelly! :cheer:
Yeah i've got mine at 9am :)

I'm soooooo excited....can't stop thinking about seeing the baby when it actually looks like a baby rather than a blob :D

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