Anyone else having or had a 4D scan?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hi :wave:

We have booked to have a 4D scan in 3 weeks time. My cousin had this done and said it was amazing. It is costing 170 pounds for a one hour appointment and you get 3D images of your baby and a DVD! My aunt said she went and it was well worth the money. Also, I want the sex confirmed, at our last scan the Doctor thought it was another girl but couldn't say for 100%. Just wondered if anyone else had had this and what was it like? Also Anyone else planning on having one?
i shall be having on about 28 weeks.

heard a lot about them and seen my aunts she said it was amazing, somthing u got to do if you can afford it in my opioion
I'm hoping to have one done at 28 weeks. I went when my mum had one with my baby brother (they have a separate viewing theatre) and it was amazing. Hers was 2 hours and we saw Jack sucking his thumb, sticking his foot in his mouth, trying to eat the umbilical cord and getting upset when he was prodded. She got a DVD of the whole 2 hours, a CD with about 100 still images and 7 prints of her choice from those images. Included in that they also wanted her to take Jack back when he was about 12 weeks old to take comparison photos. These weren't the best scan photos, but the only ones I can find at the moment. ... d=jack2205

We can't really afford one, but my mum has offered to pay because she said it was such an amazing experience. Also, we would like to find out the sex as baby was breech and shy at my 20 week scan. :)
i really want one but i dont want to know the sex and they usually make sure you no! Can you get away with not knowing? x
My mum didn't want to know what Jack was and in the whole 2 hours they didn't give the game away! As long as you tell them, they will try their hardest to make sure it isn't obvious. :)
xjdx said:
i really want one but i dont want to know the sex and they usually make sure you no! Can you get away with not knowing? x

My SIL had one and did not find out because she didn't want to. Shouldn't be a problem. I think they're kind of cool, but I really can't justify the expense.
im thinking about having one done not sure where yet though, gonna try and find the cheapest not far from where i live.
Julie84 said:
I'm hoping to have one done at 28 weeks. I went when my mum had one with my baby brother (they have a separate viewing theatre) and it was amazing. Hers was 2 hours and we saw Jack sucking his thumb, sticking his foot in his mouth, trying to eat the umbilical cord and getting upset when he was prodded. She got a DVD of the whole 2 hours, a CD with about 100 still images and 7 prints of her choice from those images. Included in that they also wanted her to take Jack back when he was about 12 weeks old to take comparison photos. These weren't the best scan photos, but the only ones I can find at the moment. ... d=jack2205

We can't really afford one, but my mum has offered to pay because she said it was such an amazing experience. Also, we would like to find out the sex as baby was breech and shy at my 20 week scan. :)

those photos are brilliant and the piccies of "born" bubs compared to the scan ones are amazing!
i am definatley going to start saving for one now!!
They do produce some great pics! I havent had one and wont be doing just because its something that I personally dont want to have! I dont want to see her face until she is born! Im weird like that lol but I love to look at everyone elses pics! You should try and find some posts on here and in tri 3 where ladies have posted pics! They are so cute! :D
I having one :cheer: It is so expensive though :( Where I am having mine done they charge you an extra £30 to find out the sex (money grabbing *****!) So im guessing that at this one, if you dont pay the extra £30, then they will make VERY sure you dont find out what you are having! :rotfl:

One of the reasons I am having it done is to confirm that I am having a girl (ive already bought way too many pink things :roll:) I am also taking along all of the grandparents (to-be) and then we are all going out for lunch so making a really nice day of it :dance:
My boyfriend is not really bothered about having it done especially coz of the money but I really want to so if we can afford it by then then I probably will. I got a while yet tho coz it seems ppl have them around 28 weeks so plenty of time to save!
Julie84 said:
I'm hoping to have one done at 28 weeks. I went when my mum had one with my baby brother (they have a separate viewing theatre) and it was amazing. Hers was 2 hours and we saw Jack sucking his thumb, sticking his foot in his mouth, trying to eat the umbilical cord and getting upset when he was prodded. She got a DVD of the whole 2 hours, a CD with about 100 still images and 7 prints of her choice from those images. Included in that they also wanted her to take Jack back when he was about 12 weeks old to take comparison photos. These weren't the best scan photos, but the only ones I can find at the moment. ... d=jack2205

We can't really afford one, but my mum has offered to pay because she said it was such an amazing experience. Also, we would like to find out the sex as baby was breech and shy at my 20 week scan. :)

Julie - Babydebut isn't too far from me - we talked about it a while ago and decided we would like to if we could afford it so will see in a few weeks what pennies we have :cheer:

Have a tin we picked up on holiday called "having a baby fund" and keep putting change into it - did a car boot on Saturday and the £60 I made went into it so think we have about £100 so fingers crossed as it would be great to do - first grandchild on both sides so parents would love it :cheer:
Yeah - we had two :lol:

we had one at 20weeks bcoz hospital couldnt tell us the sex, so we rushed to get an appointment that day and found a place that did 4D scan and sexing for £75.00

Then it was my 21st birthday in June and the only thing i wanted was another 4D scan so mum and dad paid for us to go and see Ruby again on 4D

we got 6 pictures, a DVD, and a CD rom of 49 (i think) pictures of Ruby all for £75.00


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