Anyone else had this??


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I've just had a BFP yesterday :D
2 weeks ago right in the middle of my cycle I had awful lower cramps that felt just like AF was going to come. Has anyone else experienced this and 2 weeks later got a BFP do you think it could've been implantation or something??

Could have been, I normally get af type cramps every cycle though around 3 dpo, and I think others have too.
Well I have it today...4/5 days b4 my af.don't know if thats the same though!

It might be the same mine felt awful like really bad AF pain but two weeks before it was due!
I posted about this earlier in the week, i had for about 2 days the pinchy type crampy pain which i usually get just before my AF is due and looking at my ticker that would be about 2 weeks b4 AF - i have a 30 day cycle
Could it have been ovulation pain then...I had some pain around that time but it didn't feel like period pains more like a tightening feeling if that makes sense :)
Not with mine i dont think as it was about 4 days after i OV'd although i havent been charting i had increased sex drive over the weekend and it was quite a bit after then
just looking on my OV calculator, my fertile time was 01st-6th, although i felt like i OV'd slightly earlier which would have been sat -sun time when i got my usual OV symptoms so the cramps would have been around 8DPO if i go by what my body was telling me, this would be around the right time for implantation wouldnt it?

DO people OV at different times in their cycle ? my AF started on 19th, finished 21st july, would 8 days after AF be too early to go through OV as that is when i thought i had?
Yes people ov at different times - even two women with the same length cycle can ov at a different time within it.

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