anyone else had enough..

Im so sorry for your loss girls x it just seems so stupid we try and do all the right stuff and it doesnt happen.

its so funny you mentioned the bad in the past life because I had the same rant to my oh it must be bad karma. Im so happt you girls have something to look forward too and keep you focus. Its hars to believe there was ever a quiet life before ttc as now its all on my mind
I didnt think so many ladies go through it until now xxx
Eugggghhh all the time!! On my low days I get so upset cos I shouldn't be still ttc, I should be enjoying being pregnant already but wasn't meant to be. I just try and stay positive and try something new each month so I feel like I'm doing something. My month off last month truly helped too. I know it feels like a wasted month but it really was a relief to not constantly be thinking about it. Hope your ok hon x x you feel babe! 19months and nothing :( somedays i think being bk on contraceptive would be soooo much easier!lol. atm were trying but not trying if you get what i mean....i have low.prpgesterone and very irregular cycles so were just going with the flow - not temping - no opks just dtd whenever and hopefully one day it will just happen :) if it hasent by tue time we go bk to consultant (oftober time) then i will probs turn abit sycobitch! Haha but when its something you want so badly and all your seeing around you is it then you do get depressed. i mean the other day (youll laugh at this) my oh's brother brought his new gf round to his.kums for the first time - i get on so well with her (mother but got sooooo jelous! the new gf already had a son (3yrs) and i was like omg....what if they get srrious???? and your mum starts referring to him as her own grandson - i got.proper upset about how we should be the ones to give her a grandchild and ended up getting in such a state over it! silly really! i just want it so bad! :( one day sweetpea!xxxx
I think the same when im fed up just wanna go back on the pill and forget it all. I got that about my partners step dad and his son who is having a baby.
I hope we all get our bfp soon xxx
Know the feeling too well weve been tryin just about 6 years now yes we have 2 kiddies so why carnt we get pregnant now on my giving up days i cry all day feel like crap and just feel so defeated its caused problems with me and oh but now ive got rid of all my opks , hpts everything this month we habe relaxed and put the fun back into dtd i dont know when i ovd orwhat dpo and i feel very chilled out sometimes it helps just to ease off the pressure and try have fun sex rather than im ov we must have sex like now , hope your feeling better soon xxxx
The joy does sort of go out of it but thata why I was so disappointed this month because we dtd every other day after my af . I took the dong quai everyday until ov. And then ive just come on a second af which Suprised me in one month. Argh.

What opks do you ladies use xx
Thats rotten 1 af a month is punishment but 2 thats horrible for u xxx
Oh I know It only lasted three days im supposed to be ovulating from tommorow xx
Im on like cd53 so god knows whats going on!! had spotting on cd26-27 but then nothing! fuxk knows :( x
Omg really know how you feel.clair started up with pale bleeding again today?! Do you use opks think im going to start as it helps alot of women x
I started using them but then 21day bloods solhowed my progesterone to be at level1 so i figured as i wasnt ovulating they were pointless!lol. when my cycles.were regular id ovulate between cd15-17 so just hoping that they start to regulate again. when i got tue spotting i thought it was af coming as was happy as it was near enough back to my old cycle length - but no....... suppose i juat have to sit tight wait and see what happens! xx
Oh :( thats rubbish. Do you think its improving now?? Opks do go through alot of funds when you dont know when your ovulating
Where you on contraception hun cant remeber if youve said x since depo my body has been a nightmare
Im not sure - not had it tested since. i was on cerazette! never again!! :( im loosing weight so hopefully that will help with ovulation!xx
Its horrible isnt it after them xx it takes a while im 9 months post depo and im still all over the show too
I hope you get it soon chick. Going for a break away tommorow night. Just for the night because we have our kitties but I cant wait xxx

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