Anyone else getting nervous they don't feel preggers?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2016
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So I was exhausted, had twinges and had a week of sickness but now nothing I wish there was a way you could keep checking or little signs of reassurance all is OK! Lol its gonna be a long week (my scans next thursday)
I keep getting this as well hun but I had a major spell of sickness today, which weirdly afterwards I got excited about lol. It's so hard to not stress though as before today I've just had sore boobs xx
It's horrible isn't it wish the did home scanners as well as doppler...although I don't think I'd get anything done being able to peak on bean 24/7 lol
Oh, how I'd love to not feel sick! On the plus side after not seeing the heartbeat at 5+4 I'm taking it as a good sign that little bubs is growing and we'll see the heartbeat at 8 weeks at the next scan
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It's horrible isn't it wish the did home scanners as well as doppler...although I don't think I'd get anything done being able to peak on bean 24/7 lol

Hahaha that would be brilliant lol. I also got the awful metallic taste in my mouth this evening which I've never got before. It lasted ages and was awful!!! Xxx
I wish I could have a break tbh, I am being sick multiple times a day, feel sick all day, metallic horrible taste, exhausted.. I've had the odd day of no symptoms and worried a bit though so I guess there's no winning!
I wish I could have a break tbh, I am being sick multiple times a day, feel sick all day, metallic horrible taste, exhausted.. I've had the odd day of no symptoms and worried a bit though so I guess there's no winning!

Aww bless ya hun, if only we could Nick a little of each other's symtoms lol. I could feel them a bit more and you feel them a bit less lol xx
Anyone else got a really heightened sense of smell too? I work in a bar and the biggest thing for me is when serving a pint of strawberry and lime rekorderlig with fresh fruit. Smells divineee! :love: xx
I've got zero symptoms I keep hoping I'll feel queezy or something just so I know its real! xx
I had no symptoms until sometime between 6-7 weeks and before that I kept saying I feel as though I should feel sicker! Then all of a sudden about a week later.... gross all day nausea, no appetite at all, etc. and I was quickly eating my words! Try not to worry about that and enjoy it while it lasts. :)
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Last couple of days all my symptoms have gone. Really worried :( xx
I think symptoms come and go for a lot of people. It's hard but I wouldn't worry as symptoms or no symptoms mean nothing either way. I'm sure everything is fine
Thanks hun.. it's so annoying all this worrying. Xxx
I had zero symptoms with my first. It was terrifying!
I get nothing in the day but at night time I'm getting nauseas. My eating has changed as well. Other then that, nothing xx
Don't want to cause any worry as you'll probably more than likely be ok..
I had no symptoms wouldn't have known I was pregnant if I didn't track my periods and I mc this week... But.... My best friend had exactly the same and she has a healthy 2 year old

You'll be ok xxx

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