Anyone else due January 2013?

Thanks Cornishfairy. I have been to the docs and she said she thought it was a water infection, just like you said and prescribed some antibiotics for me; Amoxicillin. She said that they are very safe durin pregnancy and to take them for a week.

It was difficult because she wanted a sample and sent me to the loo, but I couldn't go because I went before I left the house.... I had to will myself to pee!! She must've thought it was odd that I only filled half the tube! lol!

How are you feeling now Cornishfairy? xxx
Hi, feeling a bit better but getting cramps and still some bleeding, mostly brown but occasionally a bit of red and when I tried a hpt this morning it was virtually invisible :( So getting rather worried that something has/is about to go wrong. Keeping my feet up today and just hoping for the best. Glad you got some antibiotics. They should do the trick :) My bladder pain is almost gone now so didnt take too long to kick in. Xx
Aww cornishfairy I have everything crossed for you xxx

Hey I'm Sarah 26 from Wales had my honeymoon BFP! Think I'm due around 23rd jan going to docs tomorrow to tell them!! Just want to tell my family now but husbands wants to wait! Noooooooo lol
Hi, i just wanted to pop in, i am due in January. I have only done a calculator on the internet but it says 17th of January.
This will be baby number 2 :)
Havent told anybody yet, only found out yesterday although have been feeling sick and very tired for the past few days. We are still getting our heads around it after 13cycles of trying it finally happend :)
Hi ladies, I think i'm due on 7th Jan but could be wrong! Had fertility treatment so not totally sure of how to calculate my due date. Hopefully i'll have it confirmed at my first scan at the end of the month. Apparently January is a great time to have a baby, as when you're at your largest with your bump the weather is cool so you won't be so uncomfortable and sweaty! How true this will be who knows!!
Congrats to Emser and to Natashateale! xxx

I have had a bad day so far with the pain in my side. The antibiotics obviously are going to take their time sorting this out but in the meantime it's very uncomfortable. I felt sick for the first time this morning, so I am happy I finally have pregnancy symptoms! lol. Although feeling sick and having a pain in my side is rubbish. :(
Hi everyone,

Dr reckons I'm due 15th Jan so can I join in too please?

Yay team jan!! Went to doctors to tell them today I know my gp as I've worked wit her before and she was so excited she started crying lol! She knows how much we wanted this! She said everything's looking really good and pain is good sign as it means implanting well :) just want to tell my family now! Got to convince other half lol
Hi there! :wave:

I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant, th edue date is the 6th Jan I think..
I am so excited to be pregnant, we were trying for a baby for a 1.5 year, and we got pregnant a month after the laparoscopy (there was a suspicion of infertility!!)

I do not have any symptoms apart from two lines on the pregnancy test and huge tender boobs:)

so far so good. Keeping fingers crossed for all january girls!
By the way - I went to tell my gp today and told him I was pregnant.
And he said: 'So what do you want to do next?'
Me: 'What do you mean?'
He: 'Do you want to keep it?'

Me: ......!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!

I just could not believe in this!!!!

Did your GP asked this or I am just naive?
Hi emser!

You must be so happy - we were also sent to the fertility clinic, had our first tests done and the laparoscopy (that was in May). I started to save the money for the IVF...
Glad it worked in your case!!!
I have an edd of the 6th of jan, excited is not the word!
Haha nitka my friend got asked "so is this a happy or sad occasion" lol shocking suppose they got to ask tho
Coming to join you all!!

Expecting our first anytime between Jan 4th and Jan 24th... my cycles are extremely irregular, and this is the one cycle I didn't chart temps etc., so no idea when ov'd!! Will find out at scan, I guess...

Very excited, only downside is how absolutely exhausted I am. As a secondary teacher and sixth form teacher, this is NOT a goood time to be exhausted. Ho hum!
Hi emser!

You must be so happy - we were also sent to the fertility clinic, had our first tests done and the laparoscopy (that was in May). I started to save the money for the IVF...
Glad it worked in your case!!!
Hi Nikita,

So so happy, fit to burst! Took us 5 and a half years so over the moon. Trying not to get too excited as still early days, but so hard not to be estatic! I'm so pleased for you that you didn't have to go down the full route of ivf. We had icsi and glad i won't have to inject again - touch wood! Just think, you have that money now to spend spend spend on your little one!
By the way - I went to tell my gp today and told him I was pregnant.
And he said: 'So what do you want to do next?'
Me: 'What do you mean?'
He: 'Do you want to keep it?'

Me: ......!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!

I just could not believe in this!!!!

Did your GP asked this or I am just naive?

What!?! I'm really shocked


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