Anyone else due January 2013?

Aww hello everyone! Sounds like a few of us are on the 2012/2013 borderline!! Looking forward to going through the tris together x

Congratulations! Yes give your docs a ring and see how it works in your surgery. Usually it's docs app followed by midwife booking in at about 8-10 weeks x

Thanks Jodied. I phoned the docs yesterday and was told to phone back at around week 10 to speak to a midwife. What an anti-climax that was! lol!

I did actually get to see a doctor because I wanted to discuss my thyroid levels, they had a free afternoon appointment so I took it but the only thing she said about the pregnancy is exactly what the woman said on the phone, "you'll discuss everything with your midwife in week 10".

I don't know what I expected. Certainly not a song and dance, but something would be nice.

I don't seem to have any symptoms yet although I do have the odd twinge. So I guess I wait now..... it's hard putting something out of my mind and forgetting about it for 6 weeks. Though it doesn't feel real. I told my parents already because we live with them and I can't keep a secret!! But I only consider myself "sort of" pregnant, a "we'll see how it goes" situation. Is that bad?
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I think that's completely natural. It's hard for it to feel real when you aren't telling people and there is nothing tangible yet. It will feel real when you meet your MW and then have your first scan :-) x

Congratulations! It doesn't really feel real, I want to tell people but DH says NO! :( My sister said up until 12 weeks was so slow but after that the time flew. Good luck and a happy and healthy 9 months x
Well it's starting to feel like something is actually happening!

App at EPU next Tues (6wks 1day) due to my little scare on Mon just to see if all ok..

Then Anti Natal app on 22nd May @ 8 weeks.

No real symptoms yet tho..

I am here:
Thanks Jodied and Fortan leat. Congratulations to you aswell. It feels great to be able to talk to people about this stuff. :)

Congratulations to Incognito also and good luck on Tuesday. Let us know how it goes. xxx

I had problems getting to sleep last night... I had sort of a tuggy feeling, like there were little workers down there stretching my insides. I can see from posts on this forum that others have the same thing so am not worried! lol. Does make me wonder though, if I can't get to sleep with a tiny amount of activity like that what's it goin to be like when there's a bump and kicking going on!! hehe!
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Last time I found tri 1 was strange sleep wise as I got really tired but also struggled to get to sleep or couldn't get back to sleep if I woke in the night Bd had vivid dreams. It all seemed to settle down in tri 2 and baby didn't kick me much in the night x


Have my first visit with midwife today to fill in my booking form whoo still does not feel real.

She said my date would be 2nd January

I'm feeling really sick tonight and feel have dogy stomach arrrr xx

Im not too sure when im due, clear blue says im 2-3 weeks pregnant but doctors etc calculate it from the first day of my last period which would make 2nd of January my due date. We shall see. Im also feeling sick and sensitive to every smell already, its horrible.
Hi ladies, just found out TONIGHT we are expecting no 2! Due 7th Jan. We have an 18mth Daughter and it's so early but I want to tell the world!!! Took 5 months this time, 2 months last time.

Good luck to all the Mums due in Jan :)
Well hell and welcome and big congratulations! xx
Thank you!! Roll on the morning sickness again! Not feeling it yet but last time was around 6 weeks. How is everyone feeling tonight? X
Thank you!! Roll on the morning sickness again! Not feeling it yet but last time was around 6 weeks. How is everyone feeling tonight? X

Congratulations Stephaniespora and Loudoo! :)

Loudoo I'm good this evening. We told my MIL our news today as we had already told my parents.... I can't keep a secret! lol! She was very excited but kept repeating "this is going to change your life you know?". Oh no.... I didn't know that, gee I haven't thought this one through... we've only been married 7 years! lol!
Yay more January babies!! I'm still feeling fine. I didn't get any sickness with Ella so hoping I will be the same this time round! Anyone got their MW apps or any scans booked soon? Maybe we will all get to the 12 week point quicker if we have some mini milestones x

Hi Ladies……..
Congratulations all you January Mummys!! I found out Wednesday that me and my husband are expecting. We have been trying since December of last year
I have tried to work out my due date and its saying the 2nd Jan J based on my 28 day cycle.
I am so excited but I am a little unsure as to what to expect as this is our 1st. I’ve contacted my doctors and they have made an appointment with my midwife. I’m so excited/ nervous. I have had some of the symptoms that you’ve had however I have noticed I am waking up about an hours before my alarm clock everyday which is very unusual for me.
Hello Everyone!! I am 23 and due January 6th :) This is the most exciting and terrifying thing!! My husband and I lost our son in July of last year so I am on pins and needles right now. Just hoping for good news over the next 9 months and a healthy baby!!

Anyone else Diabetic?
Awww congratulations!!! I can't begin to understand how you feel but wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xxx

Congratulations Babyfazza and Meganseavers! Xxx

I had my first nausea wave this morning. I was filling the coffee machine and the normal beautiful smell of coffee granuels just smelt horrible to me and I had to fill the machine double quick time and then get away for some fresh air. I know I'll get sick of feeling sick soon but it made me happy this time because it was at last a real symptom!!
Hi everyone! :wave:

My name is Helen, I'm 26 (soon to be 27) and pregnant with my first baby :dance:
I have an EDD of 14th January :)

My last period was very light and only 2 days long though so I suspect I am a little further along than 4 weeks. The midwife said I have to wait for my 12 week scan to discover if I am actually further along though. Feels like a long time to wait, I am so impatient lol.

I am already experiencing morning sickness and sore boobs and I feel like all I ever do is nap, so sleepy!

Me and my partner are extremely excited and cannot wait to meet the little one :)
Hi everyone! :wave:

My name is Helen, I'm 26 (soon to be 27) and pregnant with my first baby :dance:
I have an EDD of 14th January :)

My last period was very light and only 2 days long though so I suspect I am a little further along than 4 weeks. The midwife said I have to wait for my 12 week scan to discover if I am actually further along though. Feels like a long time to wait, I am so impatient lol.

I am already experiencing morning sickness and sore boobs and I feel like all I ever do is nap, so sleepy!

Me and my partner are extremely excited and cannot wait to meet the little one :)

welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy. My name is Helen as well ;)

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