anyone else carrying a lot of water?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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my feet are rediculous... :oops: they're sooo fat and swollen... it kills me to walk. My toes don't even tough the floor because my foot is so swollen they stick up on top. They look awful. The top of my foot is like a swollen ball.. is this normal? is anyone else carrying so much water? my legs are also rock hard with water retention.. my ankles are thicker than my feet... god i must look a funny sight :oops: my wedding rings now fit on my little finger only.. and my watch and bracelet wont go near me...

I don't think it's anything to do with pre-ecyclampsia as i feel okay.. no head aches or anything.. just this heat and this pregnancy..

do you think the sweloling will do any damage in the long run? I try to put my feet up high but theres only so many hours a day you can do this..

am i being a moaner?

You're entitled to moan!

I'm the same, and gave up wearing my rings etc ages ago! Just watch the swelling doesn't go everywhere like your face, that's when it's more likely a sign of pre-eclampsyia.

My feet hurt with the swelling, do yours?? I'm addicted to peppermint foot stuff. have some crystals which I put in with water and loads of ice and soak my feet. It hurts, but in a really good way!!
Moan away! I do. I have huge due to water its everywhere and quite painful especially on my legs and i cant bend them very well as they are so hard!

My legs really do look like tree trunks! My fingers are also the same as yours.

I am hoping it will go after l/o comes fingerscrosses :pray:
If you r really that swollen hun, i would give the MW a call, my friend has just had her little girl delivered 3 weeks early because she had pre ecyclampsia and she didnt even know she had it. It might be best just getting it checked out. x
My swelling was really bad in the second trimester, but since being signed off, and not being able to sit for long with my back, they have gone down loads.

I no longer have cankles, I actually have ankles and feet. They are swollen, but nowhere near as bad as yours Hayley. Although, I truly believe that if I could sit/stand for longer periods of time, they would be. They don't tell you to put your feet up for nothing, it really does help. I haven't been able to wear my rings for weeks, and my watch is also very uncomfortable.

With you being so close to your due date, I would still ring the midwife though just to make sure.
Try not to worry Hayley. My whole body swelled up & my midwife said it was totally normal in late pregnancy. I looked like the elephant woman tho :lol:

I had to wear my wedding & engagement rings on a chain round my neck for weeks coz I had fat fingers.

As long as your bp is fine & your wee wee samples are clear its highly unlikey it would be pre-eclampsia.
I have swollen hands and feet since the hot weather came and had to take off my rings too. I dread to think how bloated I'll be by the end, I hope it cools down by then :shock:

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