Anyone decided NOT to get a doppler?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I managed to stay pretty calm during tri 1 (considering my history I think I did very well)

I have decided not to invest in a doppler but I think I am in the minority??

Anyone else not using one?

I still feel calm and am getting more confident by the day my bean is staying put, although I have had virtually no symptoms. I have seen belly bean 3 times so far though!

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I think you have got through the worse part now...I always said I wouldn't get one, then caved after scan. I really can see the pros and cons, and dnt get me wrong I love listening but I have become a little reliant on it. Calm carnat seems to be getting you through just fine ;-)
I have also decided not to get one and am the same can see pros and cons but I am a worrier n would be on it all the time. I guess it's a very personal thing but I know for me it's best I don't have one. I think if I struggled to find the hb I'd be climbing the walls lol!!!
It is a hard decision tho and I also kind of think there isn't a lot u can change by having one if that makes sense, obviously tho it's great for reassurance.
Sorry for rambling just wanted to let u know ur not alone lol!!! Xxx
I never got one, made going to the midwife something to look forward to x
I havnt got one but it wasn't really a decision I made, I just didn't bother. I don't feel it makes any difference as is doesnt stop the worst from happening and what will be, will be. I know some people like it for reassurance though so I guess it's just personal preference. I think I'm just far too laid back for my own good :wall2:
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That's how I felt too cherry glitter but didn't know how to word it lol!!! Xx
I dont have one purely because I know if I couldnt find hb I would panic when it would prob be me using it wrong

well done Carnat for staying calm xxxxxx
I thought given my history it would be the first thing I'd buy but I'm just not interested.

I feel quite strongly that my body knows what it needs to do and as long as I keep myself calm and healthy then all should be OK!

I want to get through this pregnancy letting my body do what it needs to do.

That said I imagine when I can feel baby move I may need a doppler as reassurance if there is a slow down with the movements?

I thought given my history it would be the first thing I'd buy but I'm just not interested.

I feel quite strongly that my body knows what it needs to do and as long as I keep myself calm and healthy then all should be OK!

I want to get through this pregnancy letting my body do what it needs to do.

That said I imagine when I can feel baby move I may need a doppler as reassurance if there is a slow down with the movements?


This is when I loved my doppler the most last time. I work really long shifts on my feet and often wouldnt notice movements so 'thought' I baby hadnt moved all day. Really put my mind at rest. x
I was not going to get one... but the other half turned up with one 2 days ago! To be honest i don't think it's a very good one and it says on it that it can be used from 21 weeks... but in the book it says 28 weeks... i'm confused and wishing he never got it to be honest!
I am one of the world's worst worriers too!
I made the decision not to get a doppler as I know it would probably end up taking over my life and if for whatever reason I couldn't find bub's hb I would seriuosly flip out!!!
I think some of the technology we can now have at home takes away some of the 'magic' if you know what I mean?
I agree with Loula, it's something to look forward to as a special moment when we see the midwife.
Don't get me wrong - I totally get why some people would want a doppler, it's just my personal preferance (and for my own sanity!) not to have one!
That's also the reason we're staying team yellow - you don't get may surprises as an adult and I'd like to keep this as one of them! xxx
I have never had one. You will start feeling movement soon hun, and feeling baby move every day was enough to stop me worrying :) I think they can be a wonderful thing to use but at the same time, can cause undue stress. x x
I was dead against getting one, because I was afraid of not finding hb and flipping out. But I saw one for £16 and just couldn't say no.
And I'm actually glad I did. I used it roughly once a week for the first month, but not very often now.
But when baby has a quiet day or if I have any slight worries, I just have a wee listen in to her heart.
Hearing her hb in the comfort of my own bed without having to ring the mw when I'm worried is priceless to me. X

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I debated this for a while! In the end I decided not to get one. Mainly because I'd freak out if I couldn't hear the hb but also because I see the midwife every week so it is something to look forward to! Its not passed the time any quicker though which is what would have been a big help! If only they cold have invented a device for that! Haha!

I can feel wee flutterings though which are getting much stronger. I said on another thread that at the mw on Thursday baby kicked the Doppler, I heard the thud and felt it at the same time so it was really handy to have her there and say that was Defo baby kicking. It's always been a bit confusing for me, think cause I've felt it so early when really all the books say its much later than 13 weeks.

I can totally see why people want to have them as reassurance tho.

Thanks for all of your thoughts ladies, it's interesting to hear what different people think.

I am not at all worried at the moment, in-fact I feel very chilled and laid back about this pregnancy!

I don't want a doppler to start stressing me out if that makes sense.

I have my 16 week appointment on 25th and as I am not a fan of anything medical (I hate Dr's appointments, dentists, even going to the hairdressers??? :shock:) I think looking forward to hearing the HB will make this feel less like an official appointment and more like something exciting??

Oh it sure will..I was nearly finished at one appointment and the midwife must have forgot to listen. She sent me away with too much info swimming in my head and I forgot too...soon as I was out the door I remembered and ran straight back in! It's been keeping me going on a weekly basis so there was no way I was missing out! Lol! Xx
I got one before 10 weeks, but I've only used it a handful of times. It's lovely to hear the heartbeat but I find it quite difficult to find and the whole thing is quite anxiety producing. I've made a conscious decision not to do it more than a couple of times a week - I don't really feel the need and I worry it's not good for the baby if used too much.

If you're content, I wouldn't bother Carnat, I think your way of thinking is better. One caveat though, I wouldn't use it for reassurance in the event of not feeling movement. If your movements are reduced especially later in pregnancy this must be investigated without delay, heartbeat or not.
I got one before 10 weeks, but I've only used it a handful of times. It's lovely to hear the heartbeat but I find it quite difficult to find and the whole thing is quite anxiety producing. I've made a conscious decision not to do it more than a couple of times a week - I don't really feel the need and I worry it's not good for the baby if used too much.

If you're content, I wouldn't bother Carnat, I think your way of thinking is better. One caveat though, I wouldn't use it for reassurance in the event of not feeling movement. If your movements are reduced especially later in pregnancy this must be investigated without delay, heartbeat or not.

Thanks for this hun, and yes your are right about seeking medical assistance if there is a reduction in movement!

I am going to carry on as I am and if I feel the need to invest in one at a later date then I will

Thanks ladies

I didn't get one, thought about it lots but knew I'd get too stressed/upset if I couldn't find hb - as I've got an anterior placenta I don't think it will be easy for me to find it?

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