anyone been put back at their first scan?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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i read on another post that someone went for their 12 week scan to find out they were actually 2 or 3 weeks earlier than thought.

has this happened to anyone else?
ive worked out that im 7 weeks pregnant, but has anyone else worked out from their LMP that their so many weeks, to be told there not actually that far? got my first scan 17th july x
I thought I was about 14 weeks when I had my first scan but i was 12 weeks +6, but then again I wasnt sure on my LMP date.
Me! I was put back 6 days - online due date calculators had put me at 13 weeks and 2 days at my first scan, but I was put back to 12 weeks and 3 days.

I had no idea when I'd ovulated but knew when we'd BD (obviously!) so kind of expected this to happen.

I think it's very common for your dates to be moved within a week or so as the measurements they can take in early pregnancy are very indictive of actual size and dates - much more so than in late pregnancy.

Valentine xxx
I was put back but only by one day, I think it's quite common for your dates to change as they go on the size of the baby.
Me!!! and as i was using a online ovulation calendar for ttc i knew i was right and the dates i gave were right, so they gave me a initial DD of 9th august, then went for scan and they gave me dates of 15th.
Am convinced there wrong so im going to put my DD back to the 9th cos they got it wrong with my other LO as well.
I haven't been put back yet but I fully expect to be when I get my first scan. My cycle date was the 4th but Hubby was out of the country until 13th so I know Im further behind.
me too! every scan i had they knocked me back days! it was so frustrating but then i had my lo at 32 weeks so i guess it didn't matter in the end.
I was put back a week with Rachael and Eleanor, i ovulate on week 3 instead of week 2 so i usually get my dates wrong!
kim we are due around the same hoping to be put back lol.. so im more likly to give birth in feb.. not jan.. or xmas as the case may be..
i was put back a week on my dates i really thought id got them right but obviously not :D
sorry for sounding thick, but what does LO mean?

when i worked out myself, im due on 25th, when i went to my midwife, she said 27th, and when i went to the doctors this morning, he said 26th :roll: lol

i went to the doctors this morning because ive had a bit of bleeding, so he's booked me in for a scan on wednesday morning at half 10.
ill be 7weeks 3 days (apparently!!) so will they know for sure how far im gone then?
thanks x
I'm presuming it means Little One, but that's just a guess.
i must of been put back but no-one told me i went in when my waters broke and they asked me i said 31weeks they said 28. And then when he was born SCBU said size of a 28week but acting more like a 29-30week baby

TBH they go by average size so if you have a big baby they may put you forward a small one they may put you back they put me back loads with Willow and in the end i said i can't be that far back otherwise i wouldn't of been pg when i took the test so they re-estimated
Hi Kim, I had loads of problems withe the abbreviations too but just found out there's a list in 'Tecnical Support' on the home page. Hope this helps.
Enjoy you scan, mine's on Thursday and I'm hoping they're gonna tell me I'm ahead and my last period was an implantation bleed :pray:

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