Anybody having a home birth?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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Whoops :shhh: I'm just gate crashing as I'm not quite here yet! Just that I am deciding if I want a home birth or not and would love to know how any of you girls are preparing for it if you are having your baby at home! Anybody?
I'm having a home birth :cheer:

The main reason I am having a home birth is because I hate hospitals.

I am not just a number and neither is my baby, I want my birth to be special for both me and her and I want to feel that I am being cared for, be in control of my birth and baby.

With a home birth you have one on one care from a midwife that gives a damn about you! and doesnt just see you as a number and " that lady giving birth "

You can do what the hell you like, walk around, go in the bath, eat what you want and drink what you want, when you want to!

Giving birth is not a medical prosedure its the most NATURAL thing in the world !

Being relaxed and in your own enviroment will reduce the pain ( as you wont be stressed) and your less likely use pain relief, you are also less likley to tear ( even if your having a 10lber! )

Succsesfull breastfeeding is also established at home and your midwife will be there from begining to end.

The choice is yours but I would pick a nice experience like this any day!

Also if anything were to go wrong ( which is unlikley) the midwife can tell in good time and the Ambulance is on stand by for you anyway.


lol sorry gone off on one abit here, but I feel so strongly about it as its the most wonderfull way to give birth in my eyes.

Any questions please ask :D
I'm hoping to have a home birth for very similar reasons Tasha.

My sister had her second baby last year, she had her at home & said it was a fantastic experience & she wouldn't consider having another hospital birth (except in an emergency of course).

Just got to find a home now...
Aw thanks both of you, Tasha I agree with the things you said, think it is just a confidence thing with me. I have a small room though and that worries me a little on the practical side of things.
if i owned my own house where my child will grow in... (not in a rented toooo sentimental) i would consider one... but as i dont own my own home.. i think for me its pointless

at least with my own home.... i can say ..''oh... u were born right at this very spot.... etc''
Tasha20 said:
your midwife will be there from begining to end.

when I went for my midwife appointment I was an hour and half late getting in, while I was in there she got a call to go to her home birth, she said she couldnt go, there was no one else to go (she was having a huge convo while I was in the room) and stated to whoever else was on the phone, that, the lady who was waiting at home will ''proabbly have to go to the BRI then if there is no one free' so I guess its not always the case!!
I having my baby at a birthing centre which is in between a hospital and home birth :cheer: xx
I love watching the home birth programs! I would love to be able to have Lo at home. Isn't really an option for me anymore, because i need to be induced at 37 weeks or the risk to her goes up.

Ninnki, at a birthing centre do you have the same pain relief options? (apart from an epi?)
samrbtson said:
I love watching the home birth programs! I would love to be able to have Lo at home. Isn't really an option for me anymore, because i need to be induced at 37 weeks or the risk to her goes up.

Ninnki, at a birthing centre do you have the same pain relief options? (apart from an epi?)

Yes hun you can have everything but the epi :D xx
jennywren said:
Tasha20 said:
your midwife will be there from begining to end.

when I went for my midwife appointment I was an hour and half late getting in, while I was in there she got a call to go to her home birth, she said she couldnt go, there was no one else to go (she was having a huge convo while I was in the room) and stated to whoever else was on the phone, that, the lady who was waiting at home will ''proabbly have to go to the BRI then if there is no one free' so I guess its not always the case!!

This is'nt that common tho, your area may have a shortage of midwifes.

My midwife is very supportive of me having a home birth and when I asked her will there deffinatly be someone available, she said to me that if there were any chance a local midwife couldnt get to you ( which is unlikley) someone from the hospital would be sent to you, you have a right to have a home birth and if its what you want we will do our best to make sure it happens.

I live with my OH's parents and they are so supportive, they want me to be happy and if that means having her at home they are happy for me to do that.

I just love the idea of being able to show his parents their granchild soon after she is born and being able to see and spend time with her without the interruption of horrible doctors and nurses.

I dont want to share my wonderfull experience with a bunch of people who couldnt give two F**ks about me.
A home birth does sound rather lovely I must admit.

Unfortunately we are staying at my mums at the moment until we get housed and that might not even happen now until after baby is born.

Id love to have it here, but I dont think its fair on my mum and dad, they are supportive, but to be honest id cringe to think of my dad seeing me in labour cos im his little girl lol

I think you will have an ace birth experience Tasha, cant wait to hear all about it :hug:
I think if i have another, i'll have a home birth, but as this is my first i'd be too scared incase anything went wrong. Whereas i'll be a bit more experienced in the labour department second time round!

It does sound lovely, but i'm just too scared this time!
JaidyBaby said:
A home birth does sound rather lovely I must admit.

Unfortunately we are staying at my mums at the moment until we get housed and that might not even happen now until after baby is born.

Id love to have it here, but I dont think its fair on my mum and dad, they are supportive, but to be honest id cringe to think of my dad seeing me in labour cos im his little girl lol

I think you will have an ace birth experience Tasha, cant wait to hear all about it :hug:

Thankx Jaidy :hug: I can't wait either :cheer:
i know ive got ages yet, but im having a home birth this time if i remain low risk, plus i dont think i will make it to the hospital!!! lol
mermaid said:
Whoops :shhh: I'm just gate crashing as I'm not quite here yet! Just that I am deciding if I want a home birth or not and would love to know how any of you girls are preparing for it if you are having your baby at home! Anybody?

ive just had one and it was bloody fantastic! :dance:
Great to hear from someone that did it just days ago Budge! Makes me feel really positive about it, btw, your baby is absolutely gorgeous, congratulations! :D
after three hospital births it really made me realise how clinical and stressful going in and coming out of hospital is.
I wish i had had a home birth sooner mermaid. Go for it.
budge said:
after three hospital births it really made me realise how clinical and stressful going in and coming out of hospital is.
I wish i had had a home birth sooner mermaid. Go for it.

Youve made my day budge :hug:
So pleased you had a good experience Budge :cheer:

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