Anybody else on the LARGER side

i was a size 14 last time and didn't show till 20+ weeks, size 14-16 this time and started showing around 18 weeks, my eppidural went really easy last time, being overweight did make labour harder though x
size 16, and still got leftovers from Leos bump lol, so looking pregnant already but I know its just flabby tummy and fat haha x what do you guys think? x

Picture 304.jpg 12 week bump, 13 week on i'm in knickers lol didn't fancy sharing that one but it is on my journal x
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U see u look pregnant I just look like a HUGE fat whale at the minute lol no weight on scales but defo lots on tummy xxx

belle its not hard its all loose and flabby lol my social worker keeps saying I'm showing x Can't wait till I can feel baby move more :) x
Ok for all u ladies who are larger there is a website. If u type in well rounded mama into google. There is a blog of a hugely over weight woman. She is so amazing. Pictures whilst she was pregnant and everything, I'm scared I will end up her size but she is really good with everything she says. If ur prodish don't go on website xxxx

my oh is nuts he likes to think my tubby belly is a baby bump lol if it makes him happy.i never lost my belly after my oldest kids because there is only 11 half months between stretch marks look like a map of the universe so i doubt they can get much worse.
I was out with my mother shopping other day...I said mum do I look pregnant love just fat was her response...charming lol

I'm goin to take a pic of my belly for you bella and put it on 2moz...oh the shame lol
lol i still wish i had a proper baby bump but if it helps these are recent pics of me (26+5 weeks i think) at 5'11 and almost 21 stone last time i was near a pair of scales


i feel huge but when i look in the mirror i just see my usual flabby tum, ok its gone hard now most of the time but it dosent look it lol. just seems a bit flabbier and bigger in the middle than before. at the end of the day i dont care now, im growing my baby and wether i look preg or not i know whats happening in there and i can feel her kicking and wriggling and thats all i need
I suppose I just get so worried as I can't see or feel anything yet and I get so so worried xxx

Hi ladies.

I'm not pregnant yet sadly. But am a big girl (16-18) and have been wondering when I'll show compared to slim ladies.

I just figure even now if I wear certain stuff I look pg anyway. So when I am I'll just enhance it until I properly show. I can't wait for some comfy maternity jeans! Lol.

Bev I think you definitely look pregnant. :) Lovely bump. :)
I suppose I just get so worried as I can't see or feel anything yet and I get so so worried xxx

aww hun its way too early for you to feel anything or have a proper bump really anyway so try and relax. even some slim girls dont feel or see anything til they get near 20 weeks. heck i didnt feel anything til 23 weeks and even then i wasnt sure it was anything til 24 weeks, then baby had a growth spurt and was quiet for a while lol then i had a bleed at 25 weeks...worry isnt even the word but what will be will be. my tums got harder and pokes out a lil more round my belly button and thats all thats changed. even now i can still see my toes, still put on my socks, shave things i cant see lol etc. nothing new or more difficult except a pain in my bicep and a lack of sleep.

thanks girls lol i just cant really see a big difference but i know it looks that way to others.

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