Any1 else got a breech baby?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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I was told at a scan at 28weeks my little man is breech, i think hes been breech since 16weeks cos thats when i started feeling kicks and it was always really low low down.
so i saw my consultant today and he was trying to persade me to have an evc, not sure im liking the sounds (or risks) of it tbh. and he would wanna do it on wed :shock:

but he gave me a date for my section if i want it, which will be on wed 30th may (2weeks wed) if i want section and he stays breech. and pre op app on mon 28th may.

anyone else breech? how many weeks are you and what are you opting for?
My baby isn't breech but I know someone who had a evc it didn't work as she didn't have enough fluid! I personally would try the evc first before opting or c-section but it's a very personal decision and you have to do whats best for you and baby hun!
I don't think mine's breech, hun, but at our antenatal class the other day, the midwife was talking about a consultant at my hospital that is supposedly very good at EVC. She said that this consultant had a 40% success rate at turning babies round, but to me that didn't seem that high a success rate. I haven't researched what's involved, but it doesn't sound like much fun from what I've heard casually. I would probably give it a go, though, because I really don't want a c-section. It's up to you, and you've obviously read a lot more about it than me. Good luck with whatever you choose x
My little girl was breech and I decided the risk of an ecv out weighed the positives of a natural delivery. So she was born at 38 weeks by c-section I'm sad I didn't get to push her out but she's here and she's healthy and honestly I would have another c section in that situation. Ultimately its your choice though x

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It doent bother me not pushing him out im still his mother but i think the evc is too risky. you have got to think about what could go wrong during like the baby being in distress and you needed emergency c section before hes ready to be born. id feel bit selfish putting my baby at risk just to have a vaginal birth tbh. if its ment to be he would have turned right??
Is its meant to be it will be x

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My baby is still breech. When I last saw my midwife she said they'll offer me the ecv, if that doesn't work they wouldn't even try to deliver a breech naturally.

I was devastated initially because I actually didn't mind giving birth last time, I found it quite empowering! Having looked into ecv's, and spoken to two friends who have had them, I really don't like the though of having it done. I don't like the thought of having a caesarian at all but I guess I have no choice. At the risk of sounding dramatic, I feel almost like i've been cheated out of having a natural birth, and almost like I haven't done pregnancy properly.

However, I've come to terms with it now, and although i'm still gutted, as Elf's Mummy says, as long as they come out healthily that's what counts.

Good luck with whatever you decide xxx
Try not to think like that. i thought that at first but i'd much rather do the best for my baby and be a good mummy for putting whats best for baby first over trying something that could distress them and do more harm than good. thats how i think of it anyways ive got used to the idea of section, i think the evc scares me esp as you dont know if anything will go wrong and if it does your not prepaired and neither is baby.

if you REALLY want a vaginal think about evc.
baby may still turn but its best to be prepaired what if baby doesnt just incase.
I feel like you, I worry that the ecv will cause him to come early, and that if a vaginal birth isn't meant to be then it won't. My instinct tells me he won't turn and i've come to terms with that now. As long as the little fella is happy and healthy, that's all that matters. I am concerned about the recovery period, not being able to lift things or drive etc as i'm not very good at resting!! But i'll have to just take each day as it comes I guess.
I know the recovery worries me a little as i have 2 other kids. but i have had tough pregnancy where i have spent most the day hugging the toilet everyday for months upto about 5months so im sure if i coped with being so ill and looking after them im sure i could cope lol.

people kept telling me baby will turn and i suppose he still could although at nearly 37weeks its slim but i thought no hes gona be breech. only you will know but you need to do whats right for YOU and your baby. its ok people saying do this or dont do that when they are not in that situ. recovery is longer with section but the risks to baby is less than if i was to have evc @ 36+6 as i have the (small) risk he will get distressed and have to be born early than planned which isnt good as 37weeks lots babies have breathing probs. plus i feel bad forcing him to turn if he dont want to. its supposed to be really painfull.
I had this conversation with my 8year old dd.
she said how did you get on at the hospital 2day, did you get a date for your operation if the baby stays breech?
i said yes 30th may. they said they can try to try him but he might not like it or i can have the section on 30th may, what do you think i should do?
she said i think you should just have the section cos you dont want the baby to get stressed. LOL
i said yes they said it takes longer to get better after and its sore after. she said
well either way its gona be sore isnt it. lol
me yes her well you should just get the section lol
Ahh bless her! My 9 year old thinks I should have a section too, she said she'll help look after me afterwards!! They're so lovely at that age, I think it's nice that they understand a little of what's going on.

I wouldn't want baby to be born that early at all. I've pretty much made up my mind not to have the ecv. My friend had one which didn't work and she said it was agony. And this is it, you could go through all that for nothing, potentially stressing the baby, only to have a section anyway. And he's clearly quite happy being upright!
I think my baby turns regularlly. 2 weeks ago she was breech, but last Tuesday at hospital she was head down again. I wake in the night and I can feel her turning, so I have no idea what she will be when the time comes! Am hoping though that she stays head down and I go natural. If she goes breech I will not be labouring a breech baby for defo lol
thats true or what happens if you get baby turned and you have a terrible labour or have to have section anyways lol you would be peed off lol.
A lady at my antenatal class had her first child turned - for her it was worth the try.
It was successful and she said after all the pain from that procedure, labour was a breeze :)
its down to the fact though do you feel comfortable putting your baby at risk??
are you prepaired to take the risks and be prepaired if you do need emergency section?
do yopu think having it done and putting baby at risk is worth it just for vaginal not so sure tbh
I understand you being worried about the risk I think because I know someone the procedure didn't work for but baby did not get distressed I probably don't even think about the risk

Only you know what is best for yourself and your baby! Everyone is different

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